Extrusion 5-2018

43 Extrusion 5/2018 in manual operation, maintenance interventions, energy consumption, personnel involved, system shut- downs; • 24/7 uninterrupted production, with no interruptions or down- times. Cofit Gorillabelt T operates at high process parameters: temperature up to 300 °C, pressure up to 300 bar, output rates up to 3.000 kg/h. It’s specifically suitable for filtering up to highly-contaminated thermoplastics, e.g. agricultural or building films or post-consumer materials, and it can easily manage any kind of pollution: metal, wood, paper, textile fibers, un- molten plastic, aluminum, sand, and more. The production executive can rely upon permanent remote assistance service via Gorillabelt T screen changer LAN connection, provided an existing Internet access. Through a special Remote Assistance module, any process failure can be easily as- sessed and fixed, as well as control software quickly updated. Besides mi- nimizing downtimes, the Remote As- sistance ensures utmost production efficiency and optimized intervention times. Gorillabelt T is the first step towards Industry 4.0 – ready extrusion project. The screen changer has been desi- gned in compliance with the most ad- vanced automation trends and data exchange procedures in manufactu- ring technologies. According to Industry 4.0 model, Gorillabelt T screen changer will communicate and cooperate in your smart factory with your extrusion sy- stems components. Gorillabelt T is a patent pending product. Cofit International (Italy) Via J. F. Kennedy 9 20023 Cerro Maggiore (MI) - Italy www.cofit.com Quality in its purest form. Visit us from October 16-20 at Fakuma 2018 Friedrichshafen, Germany. With passion, we develop future- oriente device of plas PURITY – dete FRQW the s by X – pure qua d inspection and sorting s for the quality assurance tic pellets, such as the SCANNER . cts metallic and organic DPLQDWLRQ IURP ƏP RQ urface and inside the pellet -ray and optical cameras st material and highly litative end products due to auto – ava spee colo KLJK ² HDV\ fe de mated sorting ilable with optical high- d cameras as well as X-ray, r and infrared cameras for HVW ÁH[LELOLW\ WR LQWHJUDWH LQ H[LVWLQJ smetsy sgin www.sikora.net/purityscanner