Extrusion 7-2017

+44 (0) 1384 471930 | www.davis-standard.com | info@davis-standard.com You’ve got a process… Davis-Standard can make it better! G eadership in P lobal L o le & r , Peip ubing T Da O in multi-la tubing pr W ef edscr d understands qualit tandar vis-S t the full r ems suppor st ur sy trusion, aut x er pipe e y elec , t al pipe icultur r , ag . o le among others ving our e o tinuously impr on e c e ar echnology and pr ew t manc orf alue and per , vy -leading applica ket ange of mar e tubing and seals omotiv , and c tions pipe ommunica ol sy tr on , c truders x e cust o ensur t t ess suppor oc . e tions , medical tion onstruc , ems st e v omers ha wha deliv capabilities ar ouy lines C tubing t t they need when they need it o e ciencies in PVC pr ems t st y tubing sy er oad as the applica e as br anc oler t t ing tigh e seek r’ ems st o le sy om pr , or cust e about ho n mor o lear t us t tac on echnology can suppor er aut y-la om our six r . F trusion, our x o le e e suppor eas w tion ar , high output gas and w e tubing . edervo ou c e got y v’e , w s p’d tandar vis-S w Da . y o tabilit our pr t y e fuel omotiv hether W. t er pipe ta o le and , pr ipe