Extrusion 8-2016

64 Review Extrusion 8/2016 ➠ Piovan Group www.piovan.com factory 4.0 is fully compliant to "Indus- trie 4.0", the set of protocols and tech- nologies to be industrially implemented by the year 2020, that forms the core of the fourth industrial revolution: the digi- tal manufacturing. Fdm, one of the companies of the Piovan Group with base in Troisdorf, Germany, specializing in the production of ad- vanced solutions for extrusion applica- tions, displayed its latest developments in the feeding and metering of powder ingredients. Penta, a further company of the group operating in the field of design and pro- duction of large capacity solutions for storage, conveying and blending of poly- n Over the last few years, the Piovan Group has recorded a significant growth, both structural and productive, as a re- sult of a comprehensive plan of acquisi- tions and the opening of new compa- nies. In 2015, the group achieved a total turnover of 195 million euros, an in- crease of more than 25 percent over the previous year. Growth has been consis- tent worldwide in all regions: Europe, Asia, Africa, and Americas. The goals for 2016 are: consolidate the results achieved, develop the presence in emerging markets and exceed 200 mil- lion euro turnover. With this positive approach and with the brands of Piovan, Una-Dyn, FDM, Penta, and Aquatech, the Piovan Group atten- ded the K2016, where at stand each company presented its most significant innovations. The Piovan technologies on display were represented by a conveying and dosing system in full operation. This is a very innovative configuration encom- passing the Easylink automatic coupling station, the PureFlo filterless receivers and the new Quantum blenders, along with the new Genesys and Modula dry- ing systems with single and multiple hopper setups. All of this represents the evolution of solutions widely adopted by the packaging, automotive, medical and technical moulding sectors. One leading innovation is Winfactory 4.0, the Piovan's supervisory software for the Smart Factory, launched as a world premiere at the fair in Düsseldorf. Win- Growth, Investments, Product News and Industry 4.0 mers in powdery and granular forms, displayed the latest innovations for the production of pipes, profiles and cables, along with solutions for the feeding and management of additive materials for the compounding sector. Innovations in high-efficiency industrial cooling solutions were presented by Aquatech, the company of the Piovan Group that specializes in advanced cool- ing technologies, with the new lines of Easycool+ chillers and DigitempEvo ther- mo-chillers. (Photo: Piovan) Besonders interessant ist es jedoch auch, die Entwicklung der Produkte am Markt zu beobachten. Eine Produktinnovation definiert sich über ihre Marktakzeptanz und ihren Markterfolg. Deshalb präsen- tierte KRAIBURG TPE auf der K 2016 un- ter anderem seine Produktinnovationen aus dem Jahr 2015, welche bereits in zahlreichen Projekten Anwendung fin- den. Ein Highlight bilden die trinkwasser- konformen Schläuche der DW/H-Reihe n Auf der K 2016 hat KRAIBURG TPE zwei erweiterte Produktreihen vorge- stellt, die erst seit kurzem auf dem Markt sind und nun bereits in ersten Projekten verarbeitet werden. Es wurden trinkwas- serkonforme Compounds der DW/H-Rei- he für Schlauchanwendungen sowie die LTP/PA-Reihe der THERMOLAST ® V Pro- duktgruppe präsentiert. Bei Messehighlights handelt es sich oft- mals um neue Produktentwicklungen. Neue TPE-Reihen in der Anwendung sowie temperaturbeständige Com- pounds für motornahe Anwendungen im Automobilbereich der LTP/PA-Reihe. Vor allem Bau- und Funktionsteile im Sa- nitärbereich oder auch in Haushaltsgerä- ten stehen im mittelbaren und unmittel- baren Kontakt mit Trinkwasser. Speziell für diese Anwendungen hat KRAIBURG TPE Compounds in verschiedenen Härte- graden entwickelt, die den Vorgaben der europäischen Normen in Großbritannien (WRAS), Frankreich (ACS) und Deutsch- land (KTW und W 270) entsprechen. Dank eines thermoplastischen Extrusi-