Media Kit
7 Representation of the total circulation AD BASIC RATES Language: English I 2022: Volume 9 Frequency of publication: 6 issues a year Circulation: 10.110 copies: print (1.200) + qualified digital readership (8.910) incl. the USA and Canada (2.990) Front page € 3.880,- 1/1 page € 2.690,- 2/3 page € 1.940,- 1/2 page € 1.520,- Junior page € 2.100,- 1/3 page € 1.100,- 1/4 page € 860,- 1/8 page € 460,- 1/16 page € 250,- Classifieds € 6,- per mm single-column, width 90 mm Rates for specified positions: Second and back cover 25% Other special positions 20% Frequency discounts: 2 x 3%, 3 x 5%, 4 x 10%, 6 x 15% No discount for Frontpage and loose inserts. Combination discount: 5% Granted if you advertise in two or more magazines of VM Verlag GmbH. No charge for standard colours and bleed size! Special colours, per colour on request. Discounts: annual contract (year of insertion). Since 2019 we have been publishing Extrusion International USA (digital edition only). This is a version of our magazine Extrusion International supplemented for USA readership. We have been promoting this version specially for the U.S. on the web. All the advertisement published in Extrusion International is duplicated in Extrusion International USA without any fee. USA and Canada 35% Asia 25% Europe 18,5% Latin America 16% other 5,5% The editors may change the number of printed copies depending on the availability of trade fairs, conferences and other places of distribution of the printed version of the magazine.
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