Media Kit

14 E-Blast Creative Specs for Email Blast • Graphics in an Email Blast can not exceed 40k • All images and urls must be referenced absolutely • All creative subjected to review by VM Verlag GmbH • Email Blasts must work in Microsoft Edge Version 85.0.564.63, Mozilla Firefox Version 81.0 , Google Crome Version 85.0.4183.121, iOS (Safari) Version 13.7 • All Email Blasts must render properly in Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, and Microsoft Outlook • Email Blasts can not be deceptive or misleading in any way • All Email Blasts should include a subject line that incorporates the specific offer/promotion • A text version of the Email Blast must be supplied for those users who can not receive HTML messages Clients receive the following from us • Number deployed • Number delivered • Number opened E-BLAST rate English 8.900 e-mails €1.700,- German 5.700 e-mails €1.200,- Russian 5.800 e-mails €1.200,- Chinese 5.000 e-mails €1.000,-