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AlphaPET & SmartDuty extrusion lines – Ready for the european market

AlphaPET & SmartDuty extrusion lines – Ready for the european market

Сase studies

AlphaPET® & SmartDuty® extrusion lines were launched at the beginning of 2021 to be ready for dispatch from July. The lines were purchased by two major players operating in the European food packaging market (thermoforming and Form-Fill-Seal).

The AlphaPET® Bandera line is designed for high quality productions, mainly intended for Form-Fill-Seal (thermoforming is naturally satisfied), reaching an output of up to 1200 kg/h for PET in coextrusion (800 kg/h with PP), with a maximum film net width of 1480mm: to complete the HVTSE® 2C 85mm 52D dry-less co-rotating twin-screw extruder, the line is equipped with Alpha horizontal calender stack with motorized cross-axis (widest thickness range available in the market), PE film lamination system with automatic threading and semi-automatic multi-reel winder.

The SmartDuty® Bandera line is designed to primarily satisfy the thermoforming market with a max output of 1000 kg/h for PET in coextrusion (650 kg/h with PP) and a maximum film net width of 1100mm.

The line is designed to guarantee easy process management and, thanks to the HVTSE® dry-less 2C 85mm 52D co-rotating twin-screw extruder, its versatility and production cost-effectiveness are ensured.

The sturdily built horizontal calender stack, if combined with the film lamination system (retrofittable option for future needs), can comply with the Form-Fill-Seal market exigencies.

Global market studies carried out by Bandera within the rigid food packaging sector reconfirmed the PET (prevalent) and PP ranking: because of their features, the two polymers are definitely dominant both in the thermoforming and Form-Fill-Seal fields. To fully meet the current technological needs and the future customers’ expectations, Bandera carefully studied the configurations of its extrusion lines, making them highly productive, reliable and economically competitive.

Furthermore, Bandera announces that – starting from mid-Oct ’21 – a new SmartDuty® PET/PP line will be installed @ its THOE® and ready for dispatch in the last quarter of 2021.


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