Large diameter PVC-O pipes are already a reality, and what is more, they are being installed in a large project in Kolubara, Serbia. More than 22 km long, with TOM® pipes of different diameters. Among them, more than 4 km of DN1000 mm TOM® Oriented PVC pipes are being installed in the Radljevo-Server coal mine project.
This mine, in which more than 10,000 people work, with coal reserves estimated at 400 million tons and a production of 13 million tons of coal annually, will supply the 350MW Kolubara thermal power plant. A treatment project, at the Kalenic treatment plant, and evacuation of surface water by pumping, in which TOM® PVC-O pipes are being installed.
The TOM® PVC-O pipe DN1000 mm PN16 bar manufactured by Molecor was selected for this project mainly due to its high installation performance, even, as is the case, when the terrain and the water table considerably slow down the execution of the work against other solutions, even up to four times higher, a feature that makes the work can move forward more quickly. Also guaranteeing the quality of the transported water since TOM® pipes are immune to corrosion, unlike other pipes such as steel or ductile iron.
For the evacuation of the excess volumes of drainage water, a line in DN1000 mm is projected and built, as well as a pumping project. The pumping station of the Kladnica treatment plant transfers the accumulated water with pressure pipes to an open channel that borders the mine and empties into the Pljoštanica river.
The raw water is transported through the collection pipe to the Kalenić water treatment plant, and from there, after proper treatment, it is distributed in two directions, one branch goes to the consumers in the direction of Lazervac while the other branch is distributed to consumers in the towns of the Ub municipality.
The area of the future mine covers almost 6,000 hectares, mainly agricultural land, and spans the towns of Kalenic, Radljevo, Brgule, Sarbane, Stublenica, Paljuvi and Jabucje.
On the other hand, thanks to its lower roughness, for the transport of the same flow the unit head loss is much lower, so the energy savings required for its transport are very considerable and important. They also present better behavior against water hammer due to their slower speed, excellent resistance to impacts or complete watertight, among other characteristics, which make the TOM® Oriented PVC pipe range manufactured by Molecor the best alternative for the market; both from the economic point of view and from the point of view of sustainability, for the transport of water under pressure.
The 1000 mm diameter, together with the rest of DNs installed in this project, guarantees the effectiveness in pressure and flow required while managing water resources intelligently. With a very long useful life and characteristics aimed at optimizing available resources and reducing both installation and maintenance and operating costs in hydraulic infrastructures, TOM® PVC-O pipes are also a product guaranteed for 50 years.