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HF Mixing Group: Strong demand for mixing room systems

HF Mixing Group: Strong demand for mixing room systems

News 15.03.2018
csm HF Group booth-01 01 7a5dc663e6

„Very encouraging." Ian Wilson, new Vice President Sales & Marketing draws a positive conclusion for the HF Mixing Group which has been participating together with the HF Tire Tech Group as exhibitor at the Tire Technology Expo. The quality of the conversations as well as the significant increase in contacts was seen as extremely positive for HF.

The solution for integrated automation of mixing room systems and intelligent process technology were at the centre of interest. With its Advise® system the HF Mixing Group provides a modular, scalable system for automating mixing rooms. All areas of the mixing room are included, starting with the inventory management of raw materials in the warehouse, going to the manual weighing of small chemicals, the fully automated weighing of bulk material, the control of the mixing process, downstream equipment such as open mills and single- or twin-screw discharge extruder, and all the way to the compound storage room. Depending on requirements, individual applications can be selected and combined to create a comprehensive automation solution.

Shaping the future by expanding the expertise

During the Tire Technology Expo it became very clear that rather than the delivery of individual machinery for mixing applications, the market requires a concept for entire system solutions which not only include machines and modules, but also automation and all the auxiliary products which are integrated into a system. The HF Mixing Group's strategy is to provide complete and sustainable mixing room solutions. With this in mind HF announced recently the strategic co-operation with B&K Wäge- und Anlagentechnik. The German company based in Hamm has a long experience in upstream material handling solutions and plant engineering. Knowledge to which HF has now access. The expertise in dense phase conveying systems for fillers can significantly be increased. Ian Wilson is convinced that „This joint-venture enables us to shape the technical future of mixing room solutions".

csm HF Group Booth-03 01 108a77ff0f

Energy efficiency and 3D-Simulation in the centre of interest

Visitors showed special interest for the 3D scan of existing mixing room systems. This brand new service allows an efficient planning for retrofitting of mixing room systems. Drawings and information from an existing mixing room are sometimes not current and changes made over the years are not very well documented or not digitalised. Capturing the as-build-conditions in a mixing room with a 3D-Scanner will solve this problems and result into an accurate 3D-model which allows measurements of the complete equipment.

In Hannover the HF also presented new controllers for energy optimisation of mixing room systems: iXseal the intelligent dust seal controller, the temperature controller iTC and the iRam, a special controller for ram control are three of HF's controller for optimisation of the energy efficiency in the mixing room.


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