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Bandera at K2019: Extrusion Intelligence® and ideas for the circular economy

Bandera at K2019: Extrusion Intelligence® and ideas for the circular economy

News 16.10.2019
bandera k2019

In order to cover the need for coping with different application sectors, Bandera will introduce a brand new concept of its 7-layer blown film line, Barrier Flex® Seven. This line will be shown running at the K2019 (Düsseldorf, October 16 through 23, 2019).

According to Bandera,the Barrier Flex® Seven line is a unique solution combining barrier and high barrier blown, and high-throughput polyolefin film production.

The Barrier Flex® line offers customers a great flexibility, without affecting either hourly output performance, in case of polyolefin film production, or end-product quality level (optimized tolerance ranges) when producing barrier film.

Energy efficiency was carefully considered in designing Barrier Flex® Seven – Bandera implemented low-energy drivers and reluctance motor systems for synchronised operation, in order to minimize noise emissions and considerably simplify maintenance requirements.

The need for interconnected lines has driven Bandera to redesign blown film line control system thoroughly, radically improving process management and optimization.

Enhanced line control system maximizes communication with industrial equipment and systems for data collection and monitoring: an open connectivity with corporate information systems offers fast and efficient data collection and management. The introduction of the IoE – Internet of Extrusion®, an innovative HMI (Human Machinery Interface) results in simplified diagnostics for driver and motor predictive maintenance and increased process control parameter accessibility.

A wide and bright 3D synoptic display offers an overall one-glance overview of machinery and system status, as well as options to view remotely from a tablet or smartphone.

Open day event at Bandera Headquarters

As usual, in conjunction with the K2019 trade fair, Bandera House of Extrusion® will host an open door event – at its Research and Development Centre in Busto Arsizio.

Bandera will offer visitors at the THOE a unique opportunity to see the following lines:

  • Additional 3 and 7-layer blown film lines for the converting and flexible packaging industry, as well as line sections for multi-layer agrifilm extrusion and waterproofing geomembranes.
  • A brand new flat-die extrusion line for the rigid packaging sector mainly dedicated to the production of 5-layer rigid PET and PLA film for food packaging applications.
  • Above all, visitors will have the opportunity of seeing and discovering a flat-die technology dedicated extrusion hardware called CONDOR LINE®, which currently represents the most advanced technological learning HUB for packaging and converting sector players.

The latter line is essentially a ground-breaking way of supporting converting companies in facing challenging innovative production targets, as well as of sharing knowledge and innovation with investors.

This project includes a complete flat-die extrusion line equipped with an in-line extrusion coating section – comprising 9 extruders as a whole. The line represents a valuable research instrument for its reference sector, as actual industrial output requirements are implemented for research.

In the EA – Extrusion Academy® laboratory it is possible to test polymers with advanced materials for new compounds, like PEEK or PLA with Graphene or 2DMaterials.

The event will be disclosed to major players, inviting them on a one-to-one basis to make them fully exploit the potential involved, provided the issue of prior confidentiality agreements.


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