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PLAST 2021 announced new dates  for next year’s  trade show

PLAST 2021 announced new dates for next year’s trade show

News 21.12.2020

After carefully weighing the current health crisis and the most realistic future scenarios that can be forecast at this time, the organizer of PLAST 2021 has decided to reschedule the fair, which will now run from Tuesday 22 to Friday 25 June 2021.

The event will thus take place at the beginning of the summer season, sufficiently distant from any critical situations this winter or in early spring, in the primary interest of protecting the safety of all involved.

The decision was taken after discussions with the main companies in the industry in order to identify the most favourable period in terms of trend in the pandemic, the hoped-for economic recovery, and the international trade-fair calendar. As regards the last item, PLAST 2021 will be Europe’s first international plastics and rubber fair for the coming year.

Further details will be communicated in the coming weeks regarding the decision by the organizer - obviously taken in response to exceptional circumstances - as well as the content characterizing the tradeshow and the next steps to be undertaken to prepare for it.


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