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NGR introduces its PET Improvement Equipment at K 2016

NGR introduces its PET Improvement Equipment at K 2016

News 11.10.2016


PET-Improvement with P:REACT exceeds highest safety standards.

The liquid phase of the PET in P:REACT with a high surface/volume ratio of the liquid PET, together with applied vacuum, allows harmful contaminants to be easily removed. Scientific third party tests, as well as the FDA approval for 100% food contact prove, that the LSP-Process (Liquid State Polycondensation) exceeds the security-levels required in the food packaging industry. This process design already incorporates high decontamination performance and therefore opens the flexible usage of rPET for any kind of application – food or non-food.  

S.M.A.R.T. DIALOG –  Decontamination Performance – Quality Assured.

S.M.A.R.T. DIALOG is a system, which allows the machine self-monitoring, data can be recorded and analyzed – easily accessible on any device. For Food Grade applications, the decontamination performance is automatically monitored and the data is logged. A recipe-management on the equipment allows for PET input material to be classified and also logged together with production-data – traceability included.  (S.M.A.R.T. = Self-Monitoring Analysis + Reporting Technology).

The LSP process (Liquid State Polycondensation) has been introduced at the K2013. The according machine series P:REACT is operational at fiber-manufacturers, carpet-producers and food-contact sheets and trays recyclers, in Europe and the USA.

During the K-Show P:REACT will be displayed at the booth of NGR.



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