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LyondellBasell and KIRKBI invest in APK to develop recycling technology

LyondellBasell and KIRKBI invest in APK to develop recycling technology

News 09.02.2023
LyondellBasell und KIRKBI investieren in APK zur Entwicklung einer recyclingtechnologie

LyondellBasell, a global leader in the chemical industry and KIRKBI A/S, the family-owned holding and investment company of the LEGO® brand, have signed an agreement to make an investment in APK, which specializes in a unique solvent-based recycling technology for low density polyethylene (LDPE).

APK aims to increase the recycling of multi-layer flexible packaging materials – which today make up the majority of mixed plastic waste from the consumer sector. To this end, APK has developed the unique solvent-based Newcycling® process, which separates the different polymers of multi-layer packaging materials and produces recycled materials with a high degree of purity suitable for new packaging materials.

Under the agreement, LyondellBasell and KIRKBI will become minority shareholders in APK and together with other co-investors will invest approximately 130 million Euros in APK. Further Newcyling® Plants are planned to be built to increase the production capacity.

“Our Newcycling® technology makes it possible to close the loop even with complex waste streams and to produce high-quality LDPE recyclates from mixed plastic waste – highly efficient and offering both economic and ecological advantages. We have been proving for years that this is also possible on an industrial scale at our plant in Merseburg,” says Susanne Küppers, Member of the Executive Board of APK AG and Managing Director of APK NCC. “We are pleased to now ignite the next stage and are proud to have LyondellBasell and KIRKBI as two strong supporters at our side, who bring a lot of additional expertise, for example in the areas of polymer design and application know how.”


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