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PBT range with new highlights

PBT range with new highlights

News 13.01.2024

From January 2024, K.D. Feddersen Distribution in Europe is expanding its extensive Celanese PBT range with new grades for food applications, halogen-free flame retardancy and high CTI values.

In addition, the distributor now offers a range of low-warp grades, including V-0 grades. The portfolio has also been significantly expanded to include unfilled PBT grades with an MVR range of <9 to >100. The new range is rounded off by impact-modified Crastin® PBT grades.

"We are delighted to be able to offer our customers an even broader and more innovative PBT range with these new products," says Daniel Brock, Director Marketing & Product Management Europe at K.D. Feddersen GmbH & Co. KG. "The new grades fulfil the highest requirements and offer a multitude of advantages for a wide range of applications."

Celanese and K.D. Feddersen have been successfully distributing thermoplastics such as Hostaform® POM grades, Fortron® PPS grades and Celanex® PBT grades in Europe and Asia for more than 50 years. With the expansion of the product range and the development of the partnership, both companies are laying a further foundation for joint growth.


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