Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2017

15 Extrusion Asia Edition 3/2016 ➠ Clariant International Ltd www.clariant.com/en/Sustainability/ Sustainability-Dialog-in-China 等全球性举措,我们将促进与当地创 新者的联系,鼓励与更多相关方的对 话和合作,实现可持续的成功 。 ” n Support for China’s sustainable development needs emphasized : Clariant gave center-stage to China’s sustainable development at its second Sustainability Dialog Summit. Held in Shanghai, this year’s event underlined Clariant’s commitment to helping cus- tomers respond to the Megatrend- driven sustainability and innovation needs reflected in China’s New Normal and 13th Five-Year-Plan. More than 200 Chinese customers, distributors, suppliers and authorities joined presentations, panel discussions and parallel sessions offering insights from Clariant specialists and external experts on China’s sustainability chal- lenges and performance. With the go- vernment now actively influencing customers and markets towards more sustainable solutions, Clariant demon- strated its proactive support through products and services linked to three global Megatrends affecting the coun- try and its manufacturing framework: Environmental Protection; Globaliza- tion & Urbanization; and Resources & Energy. Senior management representatives presented innovative products addres- sing aspects such as the reduction of harmful industrial emissions, fertilizer production and crop protection soluti- ons to sustainably safeguard world food supplies, options to convert agri- cultural residues into biofuels, and safe, environmentally-compatible fire protection for buildings. Company-wide and specific local envi- ronmental and social responsibility in- itiatives to support the country’s pro- gress were presented to the engaged audience. For example, regional availa- bility of EcoTain ® products, Clariant’s portfolio screened against specific sus- tainability criteria, and the dedicated HOPES community program to promo- te education and sustainable develop- ment in China, which has benefitted n 全球领先的特种化学品公司科莱 恩将中国作为其第二届可持续发展对 话高峰会的关注点。在此次于上海举 办高峰会上,科莱恩强调了在中国“新 常态”和“十三五规划”的背景下,帮助 客户应对大趋势,满足其可持续发展 和创新需求的承诺。 逾200名中国客户、经销商、供 应商和政府部门代表参加了此次会议 的主论坛、专题讨论和分组会议。科 莱恩专家和外部专家在会上就中国的 可持续发展挑战和绩效提出了各自的 真知灼见。当前,中国政府正在积极 引导客户和市场采用更加可持续的解 决方案。通过提供可持续性的产品和 服务,科莱恩将为行业响应环境保 护、全球化与城市化、资源和能源这 三大全球趋势提供支持。 科莱恩高层代表在会上展示了一 系列创新产品,例如:能够减少有害 工业排放物的解决方案、能够保障全 球食品可持续性供给的肥料生产和作 物保护解决方案、农业废弃物转化为 生物燃料的解决方案,以及安全环保 的建筑防火解决方案等。 此次高峰会还展示了一系列在本 地及在全公司范围内开展的环保及社 会责任项目,并与与会者互动。例 如:向本地客户提供的EcoTain®产 品、满足特定可持续性标准的科莱恩 产品组合、致力于推进中国教育可持 续发展的HOPES社区项目(截至目 前,该项目已经使800多名青少年受 益)。 近日,执行委员会成员顾培楠( Christian Kohlpaintner)已赴中国任 职。此举反映了科莱恩支持中国客户 的高度承诺。顾培楠的职责之一是负 责领导位于上海的科莱恩一体化园区 (OCC)项目团队。科莱恩一体化园 区是一个包括了区域总部和全新的区 域研发中心的综合性设施,该园区计 划于2019年第一季度完工。 执行委员会成员顾培楠评论道: “为了更好地向中国及更广泛地区现有 和未来客户提供支持,在中国派驻公 司最高执行管理层代表,并有针对性 地投资工厂和基础设施对科莱恩而言 非常重要。此举反映了我们对所做承 诺的高度重视。环境和社会责任是未 来取得经济成功的基础。通过提供可 持续性增值的产品,我们能够为中国 未来发展做出积极的贡献。利用‘可持 续发展对话’和‘开放式创新’网站平台 科莱恩强调为中国的可持续发展需求提供支持 more than 800 young people to date. The company’s high level of commit- ment to supporting its Chinese custo- mers is reflected in the recent relocati- on to China of Executive Committee Member Christian Kohlpaintner. As part of his responsibilities, Kohlpaint- ner is steering the project team behind Clariant’s One Clariant Campus in Shanghai, an integrated facility with Regional Headquarters and a new re- gional R&D center, scheduled for com- pletion in Q1 2019. Executive Committee member Christi- an Kohlpaintner, commented: “Having a Chinese presence at top executive management level and targeted in- vestments in plants and infrastructure is very important to Clariant’s support for current and future customers in this country and the wider region. It reflects how seriously we take our commitment. Environmental and so- cial responsibility are fundamental to future economic success and by offer- ing products that add value through sustainability, we can make a positive contribution to the future develop- ment of China. Through global initia- tives like the Sustainability Dialog and our Open Innovation website platform we will foster connections with local innovators and encourage dialog and collaboration to achieve sustainable success.” 科莱恩强调为中国的可持续发展需求提供 支持。(照片:科莱恩 ) Clariant emphasizes support for Chi- na’s sustainable development needs (Photo: Clariant)