Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

前EDS业主,现任总经理 Johannes P. Müller(左) 和莱芬豪舍集团执行总裁 Bernd Reifenhäuser Johannes P. Müller, managing director and former owner of EDS (left) and Bernd Reifenhäuser, CEO of Reifenhäuser Group 10 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 内部顺利完成。六名顺德考特斯职员通 过考试,获得由德国工商大会上海代表 处颁发的培训 师资格证书。 Rewarded for Dual Vocational Education System n Shunde Kautex, a daughter company of the German machine manufacturer Kautex Maschinenbau, was recently re- warded for its commitment in Chinese society for its social engagement in the 2017 “More than a Market” initiative. This initiative has been set up by the Ger- man Chamber of Commerce in China (Shanghai), together with the Bertels- mann Stiftung and the German Consu- late General in Shanghai. It aims to pro- ➠ Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH www.kautex-group.com mote and motivate China based German enterprises to fully implement the entre- preneurial spirit and actively fulfill their social responsibility. 75 projects have competed for this year’s award and Shunde Kautex was rewarded for its out- standing performance in a Dual Vocatio- nal Education Project based on German Standards. This project was launched in 2016 in res- ponse to the Guangdong government’s development in vocational education and training (VET) and is planned for three years. After more than one year of investigation, the company last year signed the “Memorandum of VET Co- operation” with Guangdong Light Indus- try and Technical School and AHK Shanghai (German Chambers of Com- merce Worldwide Network). By support- ing vocational education and training in China, the project not only benefits stu- dents from vocational schools by allow- ing them to expand their practical skills and prepare for entering the job market, but also benefits the company with re- cruiting qualified staff. Six Shunde Kautex employees have pas- sed a special qualification exam and re- ceived an AEVO certificate to qualify as trainers in the new Dual Vocational Edu- cation System. 面,我们两家公司都享有盛誉。这就意 味着客户可以从中获益,得到他们所需 要的专业知识和支持。” EDS公司的总 经理Johannes P. Müller 说道:“我们以 成为莱芬豪舍集团的一部分而感到荣 幸。我们将结合我们双方的优势共享我 们的技术和生产资源。再加上面向客户 的全球销售网络,这些将显著地提升我 们的运营能力。” 与这一收购相伴随,莱芬豪舍继续 保持着其战略方向:为了确保长期的成 功,位于Troisdorf的莱芬豪舍集团总部 通过自主开发和收购与市场相关技术方 面的专有知识致力于保持技术领先的能 力。“这一收购完美地补充了我们在模 头产品方面现有的专门技术。” Uwe Gaedike 强调说。与模头专家EDS一 起,莱芬豪舍朝着其“始终提供最好的 挤出加工”这一目标迈出了重大的一 步。说到模头产品,EDS代表了特殊定 制的产品。“与莱芬豪舍 的产品专有技术一起,我 们将发展强大的业务,销 售一流的模头。” Uwe Gaedike解释道。 n 从2018年1月17日起,EDS有限公 司这家国际化的高端挤出模具供应商成 为了莱芬豪舍集团的一部分。EDS是平 模头方面的专家,总部位于德国北莱茵 -威斯特法利亚的Reichshof-Wenrath。 EDS有限公司将作为在莱芬豪舍集 团内独立的业务单位运作。原来的业主 Johannes P. Müller将与莱芬豪舍集团 的运营总监Uwe Gaedike一起继续经营 EDS有限公司。Uwe Gaedike同时负责 发展莱芬豪舍集团的部件业务。 莱芬豪舍集团执行总裁 Bernd Reifenhäuser指出:“当涉及到设计和生 产方面的专业知识时,EDS和莱芬豪舍 能够绝佳地相互补充。作为高绩效的团 队,我们将共同利用和发展我们的优 势。在密切而负责任地与客户合作方 收购 关于莱芬豪舍的战略,Gaedike说 道:“随着最新的并购,我们继续朝着 提升我们自主设计和自主制造的核心竞 争力这一目标前进。除了整机制造,我 们将自己定位为挤出机和模头方面处于 领先地位的技术部件供应商。”随着新 增的业务单元,莱芬豪舍集团模头和薄 膜模具的设计专门知识将得到显著增 强。 “EDS的卓越成就和我们共同的价 值观是我们决心一起共创未来的基 础。" Bernd Reifenhäuser 谈到收购时 说道。两家公司都代表着高质量、训练 有素的员工、先进的技术和可持续的商 业模式。Bernd Reifenhäuser 说道:“ 我们欢迎所有来自EDS的员工,并期待 着与这些行业著名的专家们合作。我们 将一起共同前进。” 此外,莱芬豪舍将增强特里斯多夫 工厂的生产能力,针对部件制作进行新 的投资。EDS位于Reichshof的工厂将 转变成为模头技术和服务中心。 Acquisition n As of January 17, 2018, EDS GmbH an international supplier of high-end extru- sion tools is part of the Reifenhäuser Group. EDS is a specialist for flat dies with headquarters in Reichshof-Wen- rath, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. EDS GmbH will operate within the Reifenhäuser Group as a separate inde- pendent business unit. Johannes P. Müller, the previous owner, will continue to run EDS GmbH, together with Uwe Gaedike, Director Operations at Reifen-