Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

21 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 的金纬人才,有了很多遍布全球的客户。但面对未来,我们 必须要有归零的心态。看到世界的变化,产业的进步和发 展。网络化大数据时代,未来要进一步深化我们的优势,潜 心于市场的专业细分,用心持久,不仅仅是提供各细分领域 的高端生产线,更要提供全套的自动化智能化的应用解决方 案,将标准化、数据化和KPI关键的绩效考核,通过人工智 能、数字化系统、大数据等,落实到生产、采购、外协、质 量管控、库存管理、客户体验等各个环节,全面提升公司的 运营效率,确保产品一流品质,全面改善客户体验。我们的 梦想就是打造一个高度智能化的全球挤出装备领域的生态链 !让这个平台上的每一家企业和优秀的员工都有一个展示自 己价值的舞台。” 关于金纬 金纬公司从1997年在上海成立以来,已连续七年蝉联挤 出行业综合实力排名第一,获得300多项专利。现有五大生产 基地,拥有全资及合资企业22家,3000多员工,从单一生产 加工螺杆机筒部件,到制造塑料管道、板片膜、异型材、中 空包装、汽车内饰和轻量化产品等大型生产线智能装备,以 及大规模整厂化纤纺丝工程设计与制造,年产2000多套高档 塑料挤出生产线,产品畅销世界120多个国家和地区。在当今 工业高度智能化的背景下,金纬积极与国际一流的科研机构 交流合作,研发的新技术、新工艺、新产品,被广泛应用于 建材、家电、包装、医疗、汽车、新能源、航天航空、轨道 交通等诸多领域,与人类的生活息息相关。 I n this more than 500 business partners, mainly come from Chi- na Plastics Machinery Industry Association high-level manage- ment, plastic industry guests and local government officials. Jwell 20th Anniversary, well-prepared in Liyang, the city with approximately 1,550 square kilometers of Liyang, held such an important event, not only because it is the 20th anniversary. It is an important reason that Jwell initially completed its new plant in Liyang as its new production base. The completion of Liyang's production base and its follow-up production capacity have greatly enhanced Jwell annual production and supply ca- pacity to its local and global market. 金纬机械20周年庆典大会 Jwell 20 anniversary celebration performance 金纬公司董事长何海潮先生与中外嘉宾共同参加金纬机械20 周年庆典大会 Haichao He,Chairman of Jwell Company and Jwell honoured guests at its 20 Anniversary Celebration Established in 2012, Jwell Liyang Industrial Park is located in Zhongguancun Science and Technology Industrial Park, cover- ing an area of nearly 400 acres. It can produce not less than 1000 sets of high-grade plastic extrusion production lines each year. Undoubtedly, Liyang production base provides new ener- gy for the manufacturing capacity of Jwell in the following ten years. In the 20th anniversary celebration, Mr. Alex Liu, GM of Liyang plant presided over the 20th anniversary celebration me- dia meeting. Among them, Chairman of China Plastics Processing Industry Association and – Chairman of Haitian International Mr. Jian- ming Zhang, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Chair- man of Borch Mr. KangJian Zhu, Secretary-General of the Plas- tics Machinery Industry Association Ms. Dongping Su, Vice Chairman of China Plastics Processing Industry Association Mr. Zhanfeng Ma, Chairman of Jilin Huabang New Material Tech- nology Chairman Mr. Fangyuan Li, and ABB representative Mr. Shizhong Hu attended the 20th anniversary and congratulated the grand activity. The rapid development of Jwell is benefited from the industrial layout of its Chairman Mr. Haichao He and the joint efforts of Jwell Management Team. It is also is a microcosm of the