Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

29 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 N35-60: 当代最先进的破碎机: 百旺新型破碎机产品范围中非常具有特色的一款产品是 N35-60,这是一款包含了所有上述特性的产品,除此以外, 配备了可90°调节的料斗,这样就保证了当采用输送带喂料 时,在四个装填位置输送带的方向总是可以适合于破碎机的 料斗入口。维护工作也因此得到了简化,且只需要更小的工 作空间。 N35-60是三种造粒机系列产品的一部分,特别适合于大 块物料,例如注射模塑食品容器、大瓶子或罐子(中空成 型)、大容器、箱子(滚塑成型工艺)。这些物体通常又大 又轻,所以容易反弹,难于切碎。 百旺破碎方案: 节省能耗表现出色: 百旺造粒机同样配备了高能效的电气 系统和控制系统,现在全部输送系统实际上都已得到改进, 当一周7天每天24小时使用的情况下,可以实现节能省电。即 使造粒机不是连续工作,仍然可以优化峰值负载以减少能量 的消耗。 例如,在中空成型的情况下,造粒机在开机阶段被高频 率使用,然而当设备正常运转时,只需要间歇地破碎百分之 20 到30的产品。在一个模塑成型和另一个模塑成型之间有着 一连串的空闲周期,在此期间造粒机不起作用,而电机保持 着运转。在这种情况下,能源节省系统介入并管理这一空闲 周期,并优化能源消耗。 根据不同的应用,百旺新系列高效率制粒机能够保证节 能百分之15到35。 N owadays, all industrial products are designed with a view to- wards recovering and recycling as many reject components as possible. In certain sectors, for example in the Food & Bevera- ge packaging sector, a decision is often made not to change raw material, in order to continue the existing recycling channels and methods. The need to develop recyclable materials influences and determines choices in the research and development sector. For this reason, granulators have assumed a fundamental role in the plastics sector, having been specifically designed to recover plastics processing waste and make it reusable. Piovan has redeveloped its range of recycling products introdu- cing very high quality machines able to satisfy all recycling needs throughout the plastics sector. In all cases where plastic is used in the packaging, medical, automotive, textiles and elec- tronics sectors, recycling is common practice, confirming the need for increasingly efficient and reliable granulators. Piovan has therefore introduced a new range complete with small, me- dium and large granulators, characterised by innovative techni- cal and design-based features. Optimised energy utilization: drop from the industry standard of 40 Wh/kg to the new Piovan standard of 25 Wh/kg Most importantly, all new machines are fitted with an absolute- ly unique tangential cutting system. The rotary blades are in- clined with respect to the fixed blades and are positioned as close as possible to the geometric tangent of the cutting circle, therefore optimising and improving cutting precision. In this way, high production capacities are achieved using smaller mo- PIOVAN S.p.A. Via delle Industrie 16 - 30036 S. Maria di Sala VE - Italy www.piovan.com tors, with the additional benefit of minimising dust production and heat generation. These features ensure a more regular cut and more dimensionally consistent regrind. Without a cutting chamber of this quality, the regrind, in addi- tion to being irregular, will also have a higher dust content and will therefore be more difficult to process. Innovative design and manufacturing methodologies put the new Piovan granulators a step ahead of current solu- tions available in the market The cutting chamber is made from machined pieces, which are then assembled rather than being cast or welded. This design has enabled the construction of high-precision components that improve the efficiency of the cut and the quality of the ground product, while improving the life of the granulator, as worn pieces can be replaced. Another distinctive feature of the Piovan granulators is the possibility for customisation. Even the most basic versions can be modified to suit the specific needs of the process. N35-60: the state-of-the-art granulator One of the very distinctive models of the new Piovan range of granulators is the N35-60, a machine encompassing all of the characteristics described above, in addition to featuring a 90° adjustable hopper for four loading positions, ensuring that if fed by conveyor belt, the direction of the belt can always suit the granulator hopper inlet. Maintenance is therefore simplified and less operating space is required. N35-60 is part of a family of three granulators designed specifi- cally to process large pieces or such as injection moulded food containers; large bottles or cans (blow moulding); tanks, bins, (rotational moulding process). These objects are normally quite large and light and can therefore bounce and be difficult to cut. Piovan size reduction solutions: excellent results using less energy Piovan granulators are also fitted with energy efficient electrical and control systems: the entire transmission system has in fact been revised to achieve effective energy savings when used 24/7. Even if the granulator doesn’t work continuously, it is possible to optimise peak loads to reduce energy consumption. For example, in the case of blow moulding, the granulator is used heavily at start-up, while during operation it is used inter- mittently to grind 20 to 30 percent of production. Between one mould and another there are a series of idle periods in which the granulator is inoperative, even if the motor remains on. The energy saving system intervenes in this case to manage the idle periods and optimise consumption. The new range of Piovan high-efficiency granulators guaran- tees energy savings between 15 and 35 percent depending on the application.