Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

59 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 机,提供实时远程支援。当今的挑战是从支离破碎的服务中 走出来,建立一个相互关联的供应链模式。 S ince 1980, Moretto has been providing plastic processors with integrated systems and auxiliary equipment solutions, enabling process automation and optimization, particularly for the high precision requirements of the injection molding of PET preforms. Today Moretto is projected towards the global mar- ket. In addition to its headquarters in Italy, the group boasts a global presence with 7 sales branches including China. The Chinese plastic industry market has huge potential and is increasingly sensitive to new technologies. With its local branch Moretto enters in the market offering excellent solutions, know-how, pre-during and after sale service, able to promptly respond to the needs of Chinese customers and establish long- term relationships. Drying: At Chinaplas the spotlight will be focused on EUREKA PLUS and MOISTURE METER MANAGER. Eureka Plus is a Mo- dular, Energy-Saving, Resin Drying system, claimed to be “the most advanced low consumption drying system available on the market”. A project born from over 15 years of studies, simulations and experiments and which continues to evolve in- cluding new tools and applications. Eureka Plus is comprised of four Moretto-patented technologies: X MAX high performance, modular multi-bed dryer with con- DGM GRAVIX系列称重计量单元和GRAMIXO连续失重 批次混料机,均为Moretto 的完善的计量解决方案。DGM GRAVIX 系列称重计量单元是高技术设备,Moretto 的构思是 不仅要保证无与伦比的精度水平(0.001%) 同时还要与可能互 联的网络交换数据,进行远程管理设备参数和生产数据、消 耗数据以及成本的统计。 GRAMIXO 沿袭了Gravix系列的计量精确度,可以有不 同的相关模式以适合不同部门的应用(医疗,片状,高温, 粉状,微量计量,耐腐蚀)。这种计量装置的特色是“双眼皮 系统”(一种自由称量料斗,抗振动系统),特别方便的可视 触摸界面和可连接到Mowis 监控系统。TE-KO是Moretto 的温 度控制系列,可以采用加压水和采用油作为媒介两种方式。 目的在于即使在非常困难的情况下也能保证温度自动控制的 效率和绝对精密,不管是应用于注射模塑还是挤出机的机筒 或辊筒。 MOWIS (Moretto目标窗口集成管理器) 是集成的自组态 监管系统,带有直观的目标规划,由Moretto 开发,用于塑料 加工工厂整个自动化链机器的连接和控制。Mowis通过使自 己适应需求和定性克服了传统监管的障碍,适应每一个客户 生产和管理的目标。模快化的软件以及合适的自动组态和用 户友好界面,能够立即显示系统的状态。 在Moretto 的智能工厂里机器互相之间都采用公司管理 软件实现互联化,系统可以从所有生产过程的参与单元取得 大量数据,精心制作,分享和使用这些数据从而实现更高水 平的效率。项目的目标是结合技术领导能力和数字技术以获 得可以自动化地适应市场所需要的产量,预测破损或提前停 Subscribe for a year free of charge! Annual subscription to the digital magazine Extrusion International • Free of charge • Just leave your e-mail address . No spam. Your data is safe • Get immediate notifications when new issues are published and read online www.plastic.expert