Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

sistent dew point, combined with FLOWMATIK, a dynamic air- flow management device, OTX drying hoppers with superior mass flow drying characteristics and now MOISTURE METER MANAGER, a revolutionary In-real and real-time moisture ana- lyzer. Moisture Meter Manager measures In-line the actual resi- dual moisture content in the granule and checks that the poly- mer is adequately dehumidified immediately prior the transfor- mation process. The delta measurement between the initial and final moisture content of the pellet, at the hopper inlet and out- let, allows Moisture Meter Manager to automatically manage the dryer working conditions and to adapt the process on the fly defining process parameters for proper drying and maxi- mum energy efficiency. This process allows the dryer to operate based on the condition of the polymer at any given time, pro- viding a real “drying on demand“. By acquiring the initial data of the material and knowing the final moisture requested, Moisture Meter Manager holds a complete control over the process and manages all the process variables (type of material, final moisture set, hourly production, treatment temperature, specific Airflow). To complete the drying offer Moretto presents its X Dry Air mi- ni-dryer and X Comb range, high performance machinery for the drying of small quantities of technical materials. X Comb has been specifically designed for satisfy strict requirements of the medical sector. This dryer is composed by the OTX hopper which, thanks to its unique geometry, allows a flow of material and uniform air ensuring unmatched performance. The techno- logical heart of X Comb consists of the integrated Dew Point equalizer which allows to maintain a stable dew point up to -52 ° C and high-efficiency turbo-compressors. In addition, an adaptive variable airflow and anti-stress control ensure an opti- mal treatment and protection against over-drying. The regene- ration of the exhaust air makes X Comb dryer the perfect solu- tion for medical and optical sector and technical applications that require cleanroom. Kasko is the range of feeders developed by Moretto for the conveying in depression of plastic material. Kasko is a robust device, suitable for the most demanding jobs. Different models are proposed with capacity from 30 kg/h to 80 kg/h, for single applications or complex centralized systems. The gravimetric dosing units of DGM GRAVIX series and the continuous loss-in-weight batch blender GRAMIXO, are Moret- to’s perfect dosing solutions. The DGM GRAVIX series gravime- tric dosing units are high-tech machines, conceived by Moretto not only for ensuring incomparable precision levels (0.001%) but also for interchanging data with the possibility to be net- worked, for remotely managing the machine parameters and performing statistics on production, consumption and costs. GRAMIXO inherits dosage accuracy of the Gravix series, its available in various specific models for different sectors applica- tions (medical, flakes, high temperature, powder, micro-dosing, corrosion-proof). These dosers are characterized by a double eyelid system, a free weighing hopper, vibration immunity sy- stem, a super easy Touch View interface and a connection to the Mowis supervision system. TE-KO is Moretto’s temperature control series, available in pres- surized water and oil versions, designed to ensure efficiency and absolute precision in automatic temperature control even in the most difficult conditions, whether they are dedicated to injection molds, or cylinders or rollers of extruders. MOWIS (Moretto Object Windows Integrated Supervisor) is the integrated self-configurable supervision system with intuitive object programming, developed by Moretto for the machine’s connection and the control of the whole automation chain in the plastics processing plants. Mowis overcomes the barriers of traditional supervision by adapting to the needs and the quali- tative, productive and managerial objectives of every customer. A modular software with unique, auto-configurable and user friendly interface which allows immediate display of the system status. The Moretto’s Smart Factory is where machines are intercon- nected with each other and with the company management software, a system that is able to acquire large amounts of da- ta from all the actors of the production process, elaborate, share and use them to achieve higher levels of efficiency. The project aims to combine technological leadership with the digi- tal one in order to obtain plants that are able to automatically adapt output to the market needs, predict breakages or ma- chine stops in advance and have a real-time remote support. Today's challenge is to move from fragmented services to an in- terconnected supply chain model. Moretto at the CHINAPLAS: Hall 2, Booth C61 Moretto 在中国国际橡塑展: 2号馆, 展台号 C61 Moretto S.p.A. Via dell’Artigianato, 3 - 35010 Massanzago (PD) - ITALY www.moretto.com 60 2018中国国际橡塑展 – Chinaplas 2018 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018