Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2018

09 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2018 ➠ Sidel Group www.sidel.com lines comprise a Sidel SBO Heat Resistant blower with 20 blowing stations, Sidel Matrix™ SF700 hot filler, conveyors, la- beller and packer. They strengthen the installed base of hot fill complete lines in the Nanjing Ziquan plant and increase production capacity of Mizone in PET bottles. Another key factor driving the supplier’s choice was the reputation built by Sidel in China in terms of hygienic design and food safety. Helped by the company’s success with aseptic production, it esta- blished Sidel’s credentials and helped to strengthen its credibility in undertaking other complex applications such as hot- fill. Sidel counts on 45 years of hotfilling experience, with more than 1,000 pro- ven hotfill solutions installed worldwide. "Sidel's expertise in PET packaging and its extensive experience in hotfill applica- tions were decisive drivers in our choice of supplier for this new line," states the management team of Nanjing Ziquan. "And having previously had success with Sidel HR blowers on seven lines at our other sites, simply reinforced our belief in Sidel's capabilities of handling the new Mizone line at Nanjing Ziquan," the team adds. The Sidel HR blowers allows management of the complexities typical- ly associated with hotfill production, such as the collapsing of packages, as well as the definition of the most-adap- ted process possible to ensure bottle quality. 社会参与表现在2017年“同心、同力、 同行”倡议活动中获得奖项。该倡议活 动由中国德国商会(上海)、贝塔斯曼 基金会和德国驻上海总领馆 共同发起, 旨在促进和激励在华德国企业充分践行 企业家精神,积极履行社会责任。今年 共有75个项目参与倡议活动,而顺德考 特斯凭借其在企业内部引入德国双 元制 职业教育制度的项目而获得高度认可。 近年来,广东政府大力推进职业教 育及培训的改革和发展。顺德考特斯于 2016年引入基于德国标准的双元制职业 教育制度,初步计划项目时间为三年。 通过为期 一年的仔细考察,顺德考特斯 与广东省轻工职业技术学校和中国德国 商会(上海)于上年共同签署了“德国 双元制职业教育合作备忘录”。通过促 进中国职业教育和 培训的发展,该项目 不仅能帮助职校学生提高实际操作技 能,为今后进入就业市场做好准备,也 让企业能够聘用到具备专业素质的员 工。 作为该制度的重要一环,德国双元 制职业教育培训师资质培训也刚在企业 n 作为德国考特斯机械制造在中国的 全资子公司,最近顺德 考特斯因出色的 履 行社会责任,助力职 教发展