Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

科思创公司的员工支持泰国新薄膜生产线破土动工庆 典,全球薄膜业务主管Thorsten Drier 也在其中 (右三) Covestro employees support the ground-breaking ceremony for a new films production in Thailand, among them Dr. Thorsten Drier, Global Head of the Films Segment (third from right) 10 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 ➠ Kistler Gruppe www.kistler.com Sonderegger在节日的庆典中开启 了超现代的建筑物,全体员工和许多公 司的来宾出席了庆典 。 奇 乐 石 集 团 总 部 位 于 瑞 士 的 Winterthur, 已经在中国的市场上经营 了二十多年。2018年秋天,这家家族管 理的公司收购了中国特种设备制造商力 科机电(LIK),从而增强了在中国汽 车市场上的地位。通过这一收购,奇石 乐的业务范围中增加了制造自动化生产 线的业务,扩大了在工业专门技术方面 的专长。 New Office in Shanghai opened n The Kistler Group celebrated the opening of its new office in Shanghai on 5 February, on the occasion of the Chi- nese New Year festival. The new building strengthens the Swiss corporation's pre- sence on the Chinese market, enabling it to offer products and services from one single source to local customers in the future. "We see the opening of our new branch in Shanghai as the next logical step in our global corporate strategy," Kistler's CEO Rolf Sonderegger comments. "This office is not only the future hub for all Kistler's Chinese projects: it will also strengthen communication with our cus- tomers on the ground in China. It now puts us in a better position to assist them with comprehensive service, sales and technical support." Sonderegger opened the ultramodern building at a festive ce- remony attended by the entire work- force and many of the company's custo- mers. The Kistler Group, headquartered in Winterthur (Switzerland), has already been represented on the Chinese market for over 20 years. In fall 2018, the family- managed corporation acquired LIK, the Chinese special-purpose machinery ma- 奇石乐集团新建的七层办公楼位于上海,面积约为4200平方米,这就是奇石乐具有最现 代技术的工作场所,建筑物能够容纳超过100名员工,汽车研究和测试,传感器技术和 工业过程控制部门都集中到了一个屋顶下协同工作 With an area of some 4 200 m 2 , the new seven-story building in Shanghai accom- modates state-of-the-art workplaces for over 100 employees, bringing Kistler's Automotive Research & Test, Sensor Technology and Industrial Process Control Divisions together under one roof nufacturer: as well as strengthening its presence in China's dynamic vehicle mar- ket, this step has expanded Kistler's in- dustrial expertise by adding the manu- facture of automated production lines to the portfolio. n 科思创公司( Covestro) 已经开始在泰国 的马塔府(Map Ta Phut )工业园区建造新的聚碳 酸酯薄膜制造生产线。随着新增的生产能力,这家 在泰国的新生产线