Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

11 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 ➠ Covestro AG www.covestro.com 公司将为亚太地区快速增长的需求提供 服务并巩固其市场领袖的地位。作为科 思创提升全球薄膜生产能力的第一步, 本项目总投资超过一亿欧元,包括扩充 相关的基础设施和物流。 科思创特种薄膜业务全球主管 Thorsten Dreier 博士在破土动工仪式上 指出:“我们在马塔府的现有薄膜工厂 已经是高性能的贵重设施,我们扩产的 主要目的是加强我们与亚太地区客户的 合作,特别是提高效率和准时交货。以 市场为导向的创新以及更加强化以客户 为中心的宗旨,推动着科思创的发 展。” Thorsten Dreier还补充道:“这是 绝佳的战略定位,使我们能够最快地进 入市场,同时提升了我们在亚洲的市场 地位。尤其是,我们在现有的工厂里有 着高度熟练的员工,这同样将是新项目 成功的保证。 2017年1月,现有的薄膜生产设施 投入运行,生产Makrofol ® 聚碳酸酯和 Bayfol ® 共混薄膜,用于工业领域,例如 安全和证件用的卡片, 汽车,医药以及 电气电子等。而新设施预期用于扩大产 品范围,生产经过挑选的种类,包括新 型光学级产品,以满足市场的需求。 New Production Line in Thailand n Covestro has started to build up a new manufacturing line for polycarbonate films at Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, Thailand. With this new capacity, the company will serve the fast growing de- mand in Asia Pacific and strengthen its own position as a market leader. The project is the first step of a global capaci- ty increase for Covestro s film produc- tion. The total investment of more than EUR 100 million also includes an expan- sion of the associated infrastructure and logistics. “Our existing films plant in Map Ta Phut has been a high-performing and valued facility,” said Dr. Thorsten Dreier, Global Head of Covestro s Specialty Films Busi- ness, at the ground-breaking ceremony. “Our main objective with this expansion is to intensify our collaboration with cus- tomers in Asia Pacific, in particular, to im- prove efficiency and punctual delivery. With market-focused innovations and a stronger customer orientation we want to drive growth for Covestro.” Thorsten Dreier added, “This is an excel- lent strategic fit, enabling fastest time- to-market, but also broadening our mar- ket access in Asia. Not least, we have highly-skilled employees at our existing plant, which will also ensure the success of the new project,” added Thorsten Dreier. The existing films facility started opera- tions in January 2007 and produces Makrofol ® polycarbonate and Bayfol ® polycarbonate blend films, which are used in industry sectors such as security and ID cards, automotive, medical, as well as electrical and electronics. It pro- duces a selection of grades, including new optical grades, and the new facility is designed to extend the range of pro- ducts in response to market demand.