Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

W&H的特快制造服务,不常用的机械零部 件可以在24小时之内生产出来并交付 In the Express Manufacturing Service at W&H rare machine spare parts can be produced and delivered in less than 24 hours 12 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 ➠ Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH www.kautex-group.com the development of Kautex extrusion blow molding machines, color change solutions, multi-layer co-extrusion solu- tions, quick mold change systems or composite pressure vessel production. Additionally Industry 4.0 applications, such as IntelliGate modules for down- stream integration into the machine, were introduced. Besides presentations from Kautex ex- perts, the event was accompanied by presentations from Intravis, a supplier for visual inspection solutions and CNOOC n 11月27日和29日,来自中国华东 和华北等地100多名中空吹塑客户代表 受邀出席了2018考特斯吹塑交流会。会 议在苏州和天津举行,相关区域的客户 无需长途跋涉就能与考特斯的德国和中 国的吹塑专家面对面进行交流。“通过 这次会议,我们希望能够拉近与客户的 距离,与客户有更紧密的接触与联 系。”顺德考特斯CEO陈俊添先生表 示。交流会不仅展示了考特斯的创新产 品,还向客户分享了提高生产效率、解 决日常生产问题的独到见解。 会议精彩纷呈,主题演讲介绍了考 特斯的数款新型机器——KCC MK3紧 凑型液压机、KBB全电动机和KSB吸入 式三维吹塑成型机,还对模具快换、模 头换色、多层共挤技术、复合材料压力 容器的生产应用等进行了重点讲解。此 外还介绍了关于工业4.0的应用,如使 用IntelliGate模块,能将下游设备集成 到机器。 除了考特斯的专家们,还有来自视 觉检测系统Intravis公司以及中海壳牌石 油化工有限公司的精彩演讲。“我们非 常高兴地看到,与会客户对考特斯的交 流会有着浓厚的兴趣,并作出积极的反 馈。” 陈俊添先生说道。他对会议取得 的热烈反响也非常满意,并补充道:“ 我们已经开始筹划并期待着下一次的交 流会。” Successful Blow Molding Roadshow in China n On November 27th and 29th, the Kautex Blow Molding Roadshow was at- tended by more than 100 visitors from eastern and northern China. In 2018 the roadshow took place in Suzhou and Tianjin. “Our objective is easy to under- stand,” explained Geoffrey Chan, CEO of Shunde Kautex. “We want to be clos- er to the customers”. The advantage is, that customers do not have to travel long distances and can have face-to-face communication with German and Chi- nese blow molding experts. Another be- nefit is that the roadshow not only shows the latest Kautex innovations, but also provides insights on how production performance can be increased or pro- blems in daily production solved. The visitors, mainly customer representa- tives, were given the latest insights on 考特斯吹塑交流会在中国取得圆满成功 and Shell Petrochemical, a supplier for raw materials. “We are very happy about the high interest and the very good feed- back from our visitors,” said Geoffrey Chan. Who was very pleased about the good atmosphere and added: “We are now really looking forward to planning our next roadshows”. 考特斯吹塑交流会天津会场合影 Roadshow 2018 in Tianjin China n 当遇到(或即将遇到)设备停产 时,经常需要设备的零配件备有库存并 尽快交付。温徳默勒与霍尔舍公司 零配件制造时间创下纪录 (W&H)有90%的原装备件可以直接 从库存中得到。但是,仍然有一些消耗 品 或 是 老 机 器 的 部 件 没 有 库 存 储 备。W&H的特快生产弥补了这一空缺: 可以在不到24小时内,按照客户的技术 规范(零件图纸)制造完成简单的或中