Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

21 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 ➠ THE GRIEVE CORPORATION www.grievecorp.com Two-Zone 500oF Electric Cabinet Oven n No. 840 is a 500OF electrically-hea- ted, two-zone vertical airflow cabinet oven from Grieve, currently used to dry coatings on fishing line at a custo- mer’s facility. Workspace dimensions of the top hea- ting chamber measure 36” wide x 12” deep x 36” high, while the lower chamber is 36” wide x 12” deep x 60” high. 30KW installed in Incoloy-sheat- hed tubular heating elements (15KW per chamber) provide the heat, while two 1000 CFM, 1-HP recirculating blo- wers provide vertical airflow in each heating zone. This Grieve oven has aluminized steel interior and exterior, plus 4” insulated walls throughout. Eight ¾” diameter ports through the roof and floor of each heating zone allow the workload to pass through. Safety and control equipment on No. 840 include digital indicating tempera- ture controllers, manual reset excess temperature controllers with separate contactors and recirculating blower airflow safety switches for each hea- ting zone. ➠ Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com 况,HiLobe 真空泵可以垂直或水平安 装。这样可以最大限度地提高泵送速 度,并且可以更加实际而有效地利用客 户生产中可用的空间。 New High-Performance Vacuum Pumps n The compact Roots pumps from Pfeiffer Vacuum offer a wide nominal pumping speed range of 520 to 2.100 m³/h. This is made possible through the new drive concept in conjunction with frequency converters. Thanks to their indi- vidual speed control, the pumps can be precisely tailored to customer-specific re- quirements. Thanks to this powerful drive concept, the HiLobe achieves approxima- tely 20 percent shorter pump-down times than conventional Roots pumps. Rapid evacuation reduces costs and increases the efficiency of the production system. The maintenance and energy costs of the HiLobe are >50 percent lower com- pared to conventional Roots pumps. The reason for this is a drive with energy effi- ciency class IE4 and the special rotor geometries of the pumps. The sealing concept also contributes to this. The pumps are hermetically sealed to the at- mosphere and have a maximum integral leakage rate of 1 to 10-6 Pa m³/s. Dyna- mic seals are eliminated and, as a result, n 此款紧凑型罗茨泵额定抽速范围可 达 520 - 2,100 m³/h。这是通过全新的驱 动设计与变频器相结合来实现的。其独 特的转速控制器功能能让这款泵满足不 同客户的具体要求。得益于强大的驱动 设计,HiLobe 比传统的罗茨泵节省了大 约 20% 的抽真空时间。快速抽真空降 低了成本并提高了生产设备的效率。 与传统的罗茨泵相比,HiLobe 的 维护和能耗成本降低了 50% 以上。这 要得益于能效等级为 IE4 的驱动器和泵 的特殊转子形状。密封设计也做出了贡 献。泵呈密封状态,最大积分泄漏率为 1 · 10-6 Pa m³/s。不再使用动态密封, 仅需每四年维护一次。得益于近气口腔 中的创新密封设计,在大多数应用中不 再需要使用密封气体,这也降低了运行 成本。由于 HiLobe 罗茨泵即使在高达 + 40°C 的环境温度下也可以使用灵活的 空气冷却,因此无需进行水冷却。 控制和通信是提高设备可用性的关 键因素。HiLobe 的智能接口技术可以 非常好地适应和监控工艺。这可以提高 工作的前瞻性和效率。通过集成这种 “Condition Monitoring(状态监控)”, 便可以始终获得有关真空系统状态的信 息。此外,状态监控允许合理和前瞻性 地规划维护和维修措施,并能避免出现 产生高昂成本的生产失败,进而提高设 备可靠性。这些优点意味着使用寿命长 且操作安全性最高。根据现有系统的情 新型高性能真空泵 maintenance is only required every four years. Due to the innovative sealing con- cept in the suction chamber, the use of sealing gas is superfluous in most appli- cations, which also has a positive effect on the operating costs. Since the opera- tion of the HiLobe Roots pumps is pos- sible even at ambient temperatures of up to +40°C with flexible air cooling, cost- intensive water cooling is unnecessary. Control and communication are the es- sential factors for increasing system availability. The intelligent interface tech- nology of the HiLobe allows very good adaptation and monitoring of the pro- cesses. This facilitates anticipatory and efficient work. By integrating such condi- tion monitoring, information about the condition of the vacuum system is al- ways available. In addition, condition monitoring increases system availability allowing users to plan maintenance and repair measures in a useful and anticipa- tory way and prevent cost-intensive pro- duction downtimes. Depending on their suitability for the existing system, the Hi- Lobe vacuum pumps can either be ali- gned vertically or horizontally. This al- lows maximum pumping speed and a more customized and efficient use of space at the customer’s production site.