Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

53 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 这个新型的 6 层共挤模头由考特斯德国和中国工程师共 同研发,可用于生产 500 至 1500 ml的多层中空制品,适用 于食品包装领域。现场与之配套展示的是一台KCC10S MK3 中空成型机,以充分展现新型模头的卓越性能。这款机型属 于第三代KCC液压中空成型机,在中国生产,并已作为实验 室机器应用于全球的考特斯国际技术研发中心。 新型模头实现多层共挤制品生产 KCC10S MK3单工位机器采用CP50 挤出模头,现场演 示生产1升 6 层牛奶瓶。CP50模头是由考特斯中国工厂制造 的第一个适用于消费品包装的六层模头。新系列模头最小中 心距140mm,可实现1至6腔型坯挤出,还能与考特斯KCC液 压中空成型机和KBB全电动中空成型机系列兼容,也可改装 应用于其他机型。新模头由考特斯位于中国顺德的工厂生 产,具有更高性价比,交货时间还能大大缩短。 在虚拟机上掌握生产流程 除了KCC10S MK3机型外,考特斯还将展示虚拟培训 机。虚拟机工作站设计紧凑,配置一台高性能模拟计算机、 两个显示器和一台投影仪。虚拟机于 2013 年推出,现分别在 德国波恩、中国上海和顺德以及美国新泽西的分公司内用于 展示及客户培训。虚拟机的应用类似于飞行模拟器,能够在 模拟的真实环境下进行考特斯机器的操作,无需担心操作失 误带来的机器损坏,也不会产生任何的材料消耗。此外,移 动式的设计使得设备可插入任何国内标准插座进行使用,非 常便捷。目前虚拟机能为客户提供针对 KBS油箱吹塑成型 机、KBB全电动中空成型机和 KCC 液压中空成型机系列的培 训。 新的考特斯技术中心在顺德启用 目前,考特斯在全球范围内拥有三个国际技术研发中 心。除了在德国波恩和美国新泽西外,新的技术研发中心也 于2018年底在中国顺德的生产基地正式启用。实验室的多驻 点分布,能够就近为客户提供产品开发、快速制样、试模打 样、材料测试等服务。 T he new 6-layer head can be used to produce multi-layer hol- low plastic containers with a volume of between 500 and 1500 ml. These are mainly used for packaging applications in the food sector. The new extrusion head has been jointly deve- loped by German and Chinese engineers at Kautex. It will be in operation at the trade fair on a 3rd-generation KCC10S blow molding machine, so that visitors can see its functionality and performance for themselves. This machine range, which is made in China, is used as a laboratory machine at all Kautex technical facilities around the world. New extrusion head enables production of multi-layer bottles At the show, the KCC10S MK3 will be producing a 1000 ml 6-layer milk bottle. The single station machine has a CP50 ex- trusion head, the first 6-layer head for consumer packaging made in the Chinese factory. The heads of this new series have a minimum center distance of 140 mm and will be available with up to six parisons. CP50 heads are compatible with Kautex machines of the KCC and KBB series, and in some cases can al- so be retrofitted on other machines. The extrusion heads are made at the Chinese Kautex plant in Shunde. That not only means better value for money but also reduces delivery times. Mastering production processes in real-life conditions on a simulator As well as exhibiting its KCC10S MK3 machine, Kautex will al- so be demonstrating its virtual training simulator at Chinaplas. These virtual machines are used in the same way as flight simu- lators to train employees in the various production processes on Kautex machines. First introduced in 2013, virtual machines are now available for the, KBS, KBB and KCC series. The compact work stations are equipped with a powerful computer simula- tor, two monitors, and a projector. They are used for training and demonstration purposes at the Kautex locations in Bonn (Germany), Shanghai, Shunde (China) and New Jersey (USA). The virtual machines enable employees to be trained on Kautex machines in realistic conditions but without the risk of causing any damage due to incorrect operation, and without consum- ing any materials. The devices are mobile, plug into any stan- dard domestic electrical socket and can be rented to customers for training purposes. New Kautex Technikum opened in Shunde Kautex now operates three technical research centers called Technikum around the world. In addition to the main technical facility in Bonn (Germany) and another in New Jersey (USA), at the end of 2018 the company opened a third technical center at its production site in the city of Shunde. At the decentralized lab sites, new applications are developed, prototypes and pilot molds are produced and materials and production processes are tested. Kautex at Chinaplas 2019: Hall 5.1, booth number C41 考特斯机械制造有限公司Chinaplas 2019展位: 5.1 展馆,展台号C41 Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH Kautexstr. 54, 53229 Bonn, Germany www.kautex-group.com