Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

08 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 位于意大利诺瓦拉的Colines公司(2016) Colines comany site in Novara, Italy (2016) ➠ COLINES® www.colines.it 案将使我们的客户确切地从中获益。我 们的使命是最大限度地充分利用工业成 果和工艺技术。我们确信,COLINES ® 的垂直集成结构、加工工艺和应用方面 的专有技术将支持我们的客户,并推动 客户业务的发展。 Expansion in Far East – COLINES ® enters a prestigious partnership with Rieckermann n COLINES ® announced a new partner- ship with the international industrial so- lution provider Rieckermann. The alli- ance will see Rieckermann representing COLINES ® and providing after-sales ser- vice in six Asian countries: China, Thai- land, Vietnam, Korea, Japan and the Philippines. The agreement, which commenced on January 1, 2019, aims to strengthen the presence of COLINES ® in the Far East. With decades of experience in the Asian market, Rieckermann is an ideal partner to help achieve this objective. “We are proud of this new cooperation with a sound and successful company as Rieckermann is,” explains the Chief Exe- cutive Officer of COLINES ® , Eraldo Peccetti. “We are sure that the synergy between our companies will help us to further grow in the Asian countries, which are experiencing a strong develop- ment and can be a very important mar- ket for us in the future”. “We are excited to embark on our newly formed partnership with COLINES ® , as our customers can certainly benefit from their innovative ideas, broad portfolio, and the unique solutions they offer,” says Rieckermann’s Director of Plastics & Converting Industry, Kristian Rieck. “With our mission to make the most out of industrial production and processes, we are confident that COLINES ® vertical- ly integrated structure, process and ap- plication know-how will support our cus- tomers to drive their business forward.” n 2019 年初,随着 W&H 在印度尼 西亚雅加达、马来西亚吉隆坡和越南胡 志明陆续开设了全资子公司,并建立当 地服务团队, W&H 在亚太地区的影响 力又进一步增强。韩国和菲律宾的客户 也将因此得到W&H 旗下分公司的服务 支持。软包装机械专家长期服务于亚太 市场长达40 多年。 1996 年 W&H 于曼谷成立了威德霍 尔亚太区域总部,1998 年在香港成立 了 W&H 亚洲分公司,2008 年成立了 W&H 澳大利亚分公司, 2014 年成立了 威德霍尔机械(太仓)有限公司。 几十年来,W&H 在亚太地区建立了 自 己 的 销 售 和 服 务 团 队 。 如 今,W&H 亚太团队共 130 多人,其中 65 名技术服务人员,为客户提供技术解决方 案、设备维护保养和备件服务等等。 在亚太地区的存在得到加强