Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2019

09 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 ➠ WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER KG www.wuh-group.com 亚 太 区 首 席 执 行 官 Michael Fischer 先生总结道:“W&H 正在对新 的区域进行重大投资,包括整个机器产 品范围,使我们的客户得到更优良的服 务与支持,并将亚太地区的业务范围全 面提升。” Presence in Asia-Pacific enhanced n Machinery manufacturer W&H is significantly enhancing its local presence in Asia-Pacific: With the beginning of 2019 W&H has open- ed fully owned subsidiaries with lo- cal service and support teams in Ja- karta, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and soon in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Customers in Korea and the Philippines will be supported by branch offices managed by W&H. The specialist for machines for flexible packaging has been present in the Asian-Pacific Market for more than 40 years. The regional headquarter of Wind- moeller & Hoelscher Asia-Pacific Co., Ltd. was established in Bang- kok in 1996, followed by W&H Asia in Hongkong in 1998, W&H Australasia in 2008 and Wind- moeller & Hoelscher Machinery (Taicang) Co., Ltd. in 2014. For decades W&H has built up its own sales and service business in Asia Pacific. Today the WHAP team consists of more than 130 people, among them more than 65 service technicians who support with technical solutions, maintenance and spare part services. Michael Fischer, CEO Asia-Pacific con- cludes: “W&H is investing significantly into the new regional structure to sup- port our customers even better across the entire machine portfolio and life- cycle and we will grow our footprint in Asia-Pacific to the next level.” n 2月5日,值中国春节之际, 奇石乐集团( Kistler Group)上海 新办公楼举行了开业庆祝活动。新 建筑物的投入使用增强这家了瑞士 公司在中国市场上的地位,将来, 能够实现由一家供应商向本地客户 提供相关产品和服务。 奇石乐的CEO Rolf Sonder- egger 进行了说明:"在公司的全 球战略中,我们将上海新的分支机 构看成是顺理成章而合乎逻辑的步 骤。新的办公室不仅仅将成为所有 奇石乐中国项目的中心,同时还能 实现在中国本土上加强与客户的交 流。这一办公室有利于我们在更好 的位置上向客户提供更好的服务、 销售和技术支持。 上海新办公楼开业 ࡁޗ ௤ ݼ 澞޾ԆҶவ澞 ߢ ҿࢲࡴ澞଑ ؼ ީ COMPEO ͫ؉ ر Фӹ঩ӧфսङ ۅ ਈչ৳ऀ ۅ ҶୂৈՠӱԥЗֲࠥԗ঩ӧИ澞ଠՠ۱ ځ߄ ऀ֫ՠչ࢓ چ ਸ֠澞 ޗ߄٫ ЊѰ ࡁ ङٗਫॶՍ澞 ۝੽дઆ COMPEO ࢌࢶ ߑ ޾ ך ङӹ䨶 ۅ ࣔࢵ; બӹ ڪ Guangzhou ͠ Guangzhou ҵ ݰ ܱӞ͜ www.busscorp.com COMPEO ԅҴ ۊ њ Chinaplas, Guangzhou, China May 21-24, 2019 Swiss Pavilion Hall 9.2 Stand E59 ޏ ▲їङ BUSS ࢌࢶ ߑ 澞 ࣞ▲ ޗ иङ ߐ܉ޏ 澞