Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2020

➠ Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com 在2019年年度股东大会上,普发 真空 分享了公司的八个战略支柱,普发 真空技术的CEO Eric Taberlet博士强调 了中国市场对公司发展的重要性。作为 长三角地区的重点城市之一,无锡在发 展半导体、电子和太阳能产业方面得到 了政府的大力支持。扩建后的工厂不仅 加强了普发真空在中国的业务,同时也 使其更接近中国的客户以及广阔的亚洲 市场。 自从2007年进入亚洲市场,拥有 150多名员工的普发真空保持了稳步增 长,这在很大程度上得益于中国蓬勃发 展的经济,以及市场对科学化的高精度 真空技术的强劲需求。作为涡轮分子泵 的发明者,普发真空已经投资研发了近 130年,旨在为客户和广泛的行业提供 当代最前沿的解决方案和创新的产品。 普发真空以其丰富的产品和专业知 识,与国内一流企业、科研机构以及其 它行业合作伙伴密切合作,为中国的真 空技术产业提供支持。随着新工厂的扩 建,普发真空将为本地客户提供更多的 价值,并在未来深化对中国市场的承 诺。 New Plant in Wuxi China opened n Pfeiffer Vacuum celebrated the expan- sion of its facility in Wuxi, China on Oc- tober 23 with a grand opening ceremo- ny. Double its original size, the new, ex- panded facility marks a significant mile- stone in Pfeiffer Vacuum’s development in China, as it allows the company to better respond to local customers’ needs while supporting its strategic growth in the local coating and semiconductor market. “This is part of our new growth strategy which includes a global investment pro- gram of 150 million EUR”, said Hugh Kelly, representative of the management board, “In addition to providing after- sales service, the bigger facility will now also allow for the production of dry pumps and our new leak detection sys- tems ATC, as well as the assembly of pumping stations. With the introduction of industry-leading technologies and equipment, Pfeiffer Vacuum is better poised to react to the needs of local cus- tomers.” At the 2019 annual general meeting, Pfeiffer Vacuum shared 8 strategic pillars of the company, with Dr. Eric Taberlet, CEO of Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology highlighting the importance of the Chi- nese market to the company’s develop- ment. As one of the key cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, Wuxi has been receiving strong government sup- port to develop its semiconductor, elec- tronics and solar industry. The expanded facility not only strengthens Pfeiffer Va- cuum’s presence in China but also en- ables closer proximity to its customers in China as well as the wider Asia market. Since entering the China market in 图 普发真空在中国无锡建立新工厂 Pfeiffer Vacuum opens new plant in Wuxi China 2007, Pfeiffer Vacuum has maintained a steady growth with over 150 employees, largely part of the country’s booming economy as well as strong market de- mand for scientific and high-precision vacuum technology. As the inventor of the turbomolecular pump, Pfeiffer Vacu- um has been investing in Research & De- velopment for nearly 130 years, with an aim to provide cutting-edge solutions and innovative products to customers and the wider industry. In support of the vacuum technology in- dustry in China, Pfeiffer Vacuum has been working closely with top local en- terprises, scientific research institutions as well as other industry partners with its products and rich expertise. With the new, expanded facility, Pfeiffer Vacuum is set to deliver more value to local cus- tomers and deepen its commitment to the China market in the future. www.smart-extrusion.com 25 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2020