Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2020

08 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2020 ➠ Nordson Polymer Processing Systems www.nordsonpolymerprocessing.com sheet for the masks, gowns, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) used by healthcare workers. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Nordson has shipped many BKG ® NorCon™ screen changers to global market leading extrusion OEMs in Europe and even greater numbers of BKG ® BlueFlow™ gear pumps to OEMs around the world, including China. More orders are in dis- cussion, according to Sven Conrad, Glo- bal Business Director. In the melt blowing process, extruded polymer passes through small holes in a nozzle surrounded by high-speed blow- ing gas, producing the randomly orient- ed microfibers that make up a nonwoven sheet. The BKG melt delivery compo- nents are deployed between the extrud- er and the melt-blowing tool. A gear pump provides the uniform melt flow n 在抗击新型冠状病毒方面,塑料工 业发挥关键作用的最新范例中,诺信公 司向聚丙烯微纤熔喷布的生产商提供了 大量的齿轮泵和换网器, 这些熔喷布用 于医护人员使用的口罩、防护服及其他 个人防护装备用。 自COVID-19爆发以来,诺信已经 向全球市场领先的欧洲挤出设备制造商 交付了许多BKG ® NorCon™换网器,同 时向包括中国在内的世界各地的设备制 造商交付了更多的BKG ® BlueFlow™齿 轮泵。据全球业务总监Sven Conrad表 示,还有更多的订单正在交流中。 在熔喷工艺中,挤出的聚合物通过 喷嘴上被高速气流环绕的小孔,产生随 机取向的超细纤维,从而制成无纺布。 诺信BKG熔体输送部件安装在挤出机和 熔喷模具之间。齿轮泵提供稳定的熔体 流量和压力,以保证工艺的高效运行及 均匀的高质量产品。换网器过滤杂质, 以保护喷丝模具并产出医疗应用所需的 纯净产品。 “在医疗专业人员应对COVID-19病 例激增之际,继续迫切需要用于保护他 们的超细纤维织物” Conrad先生说,“与 塑料行业的其他公司一样,诺信提供的 产品在全球努力减轻这种致命感染的蔓 延中至关重要。这再次表明,只要处理 得当,塑料在我们现代社会中的作用是 多么重要。” Many Gear Pumps and Screen Changers Needed to Ensure Medical Purity for Masks and Ot- her PPE Ordered n In the latest example of the crucial role of the plastics industry in fighting the novel coronavirus, Nordson Corporation reports supplying large quantities of gear pumps and screen changers to producers of melt blown polypropylene microfiber 德国和中国的聚丙烯熔喷制造商已订购了许多诺信BKG ® 齿轮泵和换网器,以确 保口罩和其他个人防护装备的医用纯度 and pressure required for the process to operate efficiently and with uniformly high-quality product. A screen changer filters out impurities to protect the dis- pense tool and yield the clean product required in medical applications. “There continues to be an urgent need for the microfiber fabrics used in protecting me- dical professionals as they cope with the surge in COVID-19 cases,” said Sven Conrad. “Like other companies in the plastics industry, Nordson supplies prod- ucts that are essential in the global effort to mitigate the spread of this deadly in- fection. It shows once more that, given proper handling and disposal, how im- portant plastics can be in our modern so- ciety.” 防护口罩 Respirator Mask www.smart-extrusion.com