Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2021

11 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2021 ELEKTROWÄRMETECHNIK FRANZ MESSER GMBH ERGE Elektrowärmetechnik - Franz Messer GmbH 91220 Schnaittach - Hersbrucker Straße 29-31 Tel. +49/9153/921-0 Fax +49/9153/921-117 www.erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de mail: verkauf@erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de HEIZEN TROCKNEN REGELN CONTROLLING HEATING DRYING ➠ Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH 2020 www.kautex-group.com founding in Germany and 60 years of branch establishment in the USA. Plastics pioneer Reinhold Hagen founded the company in 1935. The combination of his passion for experimentation and en- trepreneurial aptitude enabled him to succeed in developing the world’s first n 德国考特斯机械制造有限公司在中 国南部城市顺德设立挤出吹塑设备生产 基地迄今已有25年。顺德工厂的设立旨 在更加贴近客户,更快响应亚洲包装市 场对机器、备件及维修服务的需求。顺 德工厂于今年年初扩充了厂房,并于3 月下旬正式启用新仓库、新质检车间及 新机器组装车间,提升产能,加快产品 交付速度。11 月初,考特斯诚邀广大 客户和合作伙伴前来顺德参加考特斯中 国25周年庆典活动。 位于广东省佛山市顺德区的考特斯 机械科技(佛山)有限公司是德国考特 斯机械制造有限公司在中国的全资子公 司,成立于 1995 年。目前考特斯在中 国约有 170 名员工。 今年,考特斯集团除庆祝中国子公 司成立 25 周年外,同时还庆祝德国总 公司成立 85 周年以及美国子公司成立 60 周年。塑料业先驱 Reinhold Hagen 于 1935 年创立了考特斯。凭借不懈的 实验精神和出色的创业技能,1949 年 Reinhold Hagen成功研发出全球第一个 无缝制造塑料中空容器的标准的商用系 统。 25 Years of Machine Production in China n Kautex Maschinenbau has been ope- rating a production plant for the manu- facture of extrusion blow molding ma- chines in the southern Chinese city of Shunde for 25 years. The presence of this plant means greater proximity to customers and quicker response times for machines, spare parts and service re- quirements in the Asian packaging mar- ket. The company invited customers and partners to an “open house” celebration in Shunde at the start of November to mark the anniversary. Manufacturing ca- pacity there was recently increased to enable even quicker deliveries. A new ex- tended warehouse for spare parts was built in conjunction with the expansion. Kautex in the southern Chinese region of Guangdong is a 100% subsidiary of Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH and it was founded in 1995. Kautex employs around 170 people in China. As well as celebrating a 25th anniversary in China this year, Kautex is also celebrat- ing the 85th anniversary of its original 中国子公司成立 25 周年 standard commercial system for the seamless manufacture of plastic contain- ers in 1949. (© Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH 2020)