Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2024

Pellet Vision 采用了怎样的开发方法? What was the development approach for the Pellet Vision? Gerhard Hehenberger (首席执行官):以客户为导向的创新 是 ECON 的首要任务。几年前,我们在 K 2019 上首次展出了 Pellet Vision,彰显了我们在自动和自优化水下造粒方面的远 见。与此同时,我们进一步开发了此系统,使其具备批量生产 能力,并成功应用于部分客户。 Gerhard Hehenberger (CEO): Customer-oriented innovation is ECON's top priority. With the first presentation of the Pellet Vision in 2019, we already emphasized our visionary approach towards automatic and self-optimizing underwater pelletizing (UWP) several years ago. In the meantime, we have further developed the system to series production readiness and it is already being used very successfully by some customers. 您能给我们简单介绍一下工作原理吗? Can you explain the operating principle in a few words? Dominik Neumann (研发总监):简而言之,就是将生产出 的颗粒与目标颗粒的形状和尺寸进行比较。不过,由于市场上 没有适合的软件,我们自主开发了评估颗粒质量的软件和算 法。具体来说,就是在生产过程中将颗粒的形状和大小与目标 颗粒进行随机比较(例如每 10 分钟一次)。对偏差进行统计 检测,然后向任何界面(水下造粒机人机界面、挤出机人机界 面、过程控制站等)发送警告和可视化信息。 33 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2024 Dominik Neumann (Head of R&D): Simply put, the pellets produced are matched with the shape and size of the target pel- lets. However, since no suitable software is available on the mar- ket for our purposes, we have developed software and algorithms for evaluating the pellet quality ourselves. In detail, this means that the shape and size of the pellets in the produc- tion process are randomly compared (e.g. every 10 min) with a target pellet. Deviations are detected statistically and then a warning and visualization are transmitted to any interface (HMI of the UWP, HMI of the extruder, at the process control station, etc). 系统能为客户带来哪些好处? What customer benefits does the system offer? Stefan Schedlik (首席技术官):通过提前检测颗粒几何形 状的变化,我们的客户可以获得稳定一致的颗粒质量,同时最 大限度地减少不合规格的材料。由于 Pellet Vision 还能检测变 化的原因,如上游区域的工艺波动,因此机器操作员可以有针 对性地进行干预,节省时间。在向全自动系统发展的过程中, 也不再需要人工取样。另外,还可在现有设备上加装 Pellet Vision系统。 Stefan Schedlik (CTO) : By detecting changes in pellet geome- try early, our customers achieve a stable and consistent pellet quality while minimizing off-spec material. Since Pellet Vision also detects the cause of changes, such as process fluctuations Gerhard Hehenberger ( 首席执行官 / CEO) Dominik Neumann ( 研发总监 / Head of R&D) Stefan Schedlik ( 首席技术官 / CTO) Gerhard Hemetsberger ( 首席战略官 / CSO) 采访 ECON 集团 C 级高管 An Interview with C-Level Management of the ECON Group