Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2024

a water ring pump vacuum system, Gneuss also offers deep va- cuum systems with appropriate separators. The vacuum system on display is a water ring pump system de- signed for vacuums of 25 to 40 mbar and offers high automa- tion and process control with low maintenance, even in recy- cling applications. Gneuss Filtration Technology Gneuss’ top model, the RSFgenius, operates with an integrated back-flushing system offering self-cleaning for very demanding applications and highest quality requirements. Screens can be automatically re-used up to 400 times and filtration finenesses below 10 microns/1200 mesh are available. There will be an RSFgenius 150 on display, with an active screen area of 450 cm 2 /70 square inches, for 1000 kg/h (2.200 lbs) of R-PET with a filtration fineness of 75 microns (200 mesh). Retrofitting a fully-automatic RSFgenius to an existing extrusion line, whether in a pelletizing, sheet, fiber or pipe application, permits the use of more contaminated (and often cheaper) ma- terial and/or the use of finer screens. Every retrofit is tailor-ma- de and usually without the need to move any existing equip- ment. Online viscometer VIS OMNI recycling systems as well as any other extrusion line can be equipped with the innovative and compact VIS online visco- sity measurement system. Using a high-precision, rigid gear pump, a small partial flow of polymer melt is diverted from the main melt channel and forced through a precisely manufactur- ed slotted capillary. The data measured there can be used to im- prove quality assurance. When processing PET on an OMNI re- cycling line the viscometer allows precise control of the end product viscosity. Gneuss Measurement Technology Gneuss provides flexible sensor solutions for pressure and tem- perature measurements, individually tailored to your applica- tion. Abrasion, corrosion, temperature, Gneuss offers the right solution for every challenge. Gneuss delivers fast – whether standard sensor or application- specific customized solution. The flexible manufacturing struc- ture allows shortest delivery times. In addition to standard-compliant pressure monitoring, Gneuss offers the necessary quality assurance of the measuring equip- ment. The latest generation of Gneuss sensors and pressure monitors communicates completely digitally. Integrated RFID chips for di- gital gauge monitoring are available for all sensor models. 格诺斯在2024年中国国际橡塑展 : 2.1展馆H26展位 Gneuss at Chinaplas 2024: Booth H26, Hall 2.1 ➠ Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH Moenichhusen 42, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen , Germany www.gneuss.com 47 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2024