Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2017

13 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2017 48$/,7< 352'8&76 6,1&( (5*( (OHNWURZlUPHWHFKQLN )UDQ] 0HVVHU *PE+ 6FKQDLWWDFK ‡ +HUVEUXFNHU 6WUD‰H 7HO ‡ )D[ ZZZ HUJH HOHNWURZDHUPHWHFKQLN GH (/(.752:b50(7(&+1,. )5$1= 0(66(5 (5*( 0()/(; &HUDPLF +HDWHUV PRUH KHDWLQJ VXUIDFH EHWWHU KHDW FRQGXFWDQFH 7RJHWKHU ZLWK WKH HQHUJ\ RSWLPL]HG (5*( :'* +HDW ,QVXODWLRQ -DFNHW WKH XOWLPDWH HQHUJ\ VDYLQJ VROXWLRQ 1(: ‡ %(77(5 ‡ )25 :,11(56 21/< -LD;LQJ (5*( (OHFWULF +HDW 7HFKQRORJ\ &R /WG <DQ %HL 5RDG +DL\DQ =KHMLDQJ &KLQD 3RVWFRGH 3KRQH ‡ ZZZ HUJHFKLQD FRP ➠ Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH , www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com Pfeiffer真空在马来西亚的第一家服务中心的开业典礼 Opening Ceremony of Pfeiffer Vacuum’s first Service Center in Malaysia minutes away from the Penang Interna- tional Airport. KHTP houses one of the largest networks of multinational semi- conductor and coating companies in Malaysia. Several of Pfeiffer Vacuum’s major customers are within a 15 minute drive from the new service center. “This is a huge milestone in our history. Our business in Malaysia and Singapore is very important for our growth. Asia is the fastest growing area in our company. Nearly 40% of our business is related to Asia. So we are quite happy to be close to Malaysia today”, said Dr. Matthias Wiemer, Management Board Member at Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG. “Furthermore, this service center is in complete compliance with our policy of sustainability. We want to take care of the safety of our employees and the safety of our environment”, added Eric Taberlet, President of the Business Unit Semiconductor & Coating. Four specialized trade magazines for plastics processing worldwide, Far East, CIS-States and Europe. 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO 7. 7&3-"( (.#) 10 #PY r ,ÚMO (FSNBOZ F NBJM B LSBWFUT!WN WFSMBH DPN VM VERLAG/Germany presents: XXX FYUSVTJPO JOGP DPN