Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2017

27 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2017 SIKORA AG Bruchweide 2, 28307 Bremen, Germany www.sikora.net 硬件部分导致的故障率的设备事件图。所有其他故障类型 (如机械故障、软件故障等)都会显示在单独的图中。通 过这种方式,将获取所记录的相关元器件的事件详细信 息。 计 算 产 品 有 效 性 的 第 二 个 因 素 是 平 均 修 复 时 间 (MTTR),是计算设备和系统发生故障到恢复运行所需 的时间。得益于有效的质量管理和技术的不断创 新,SIKORA 设备的维护几乎已成为不必要,其可用性可 高达 99.98%。 为不断提高质量,SIKORA 提供了内部和外部员工培训课 程。此外,公司还与机械制造商和最终客户的进行合作, 以响应业界的全球基准,并进一步优化流程。 “可持续的 质量管理需要清晰、透明的过程和良好的沟通”,Heel 说 道并进一步解释:“员工和客户的反馈对于成功的质量管理 体系尤其至关重要。根据我们质量管理体系的要求,我们 的运营流程不断改进,不仅达到了法定标准,还实现了高 度的可靠性,同时也达到了最高的客户满意度。” S ince 1993, SIKORA has been certified according to ISO 9001 and thereby, proves that the quality of the measur- ing, control, inspection, sorting and analysis technology is ensured by an efficient quality management system (QMS) and is continuously improving. SIKORA’s QMS comprises de- fined performance indicators in order to monitor and con- trol processes. The availability, for instance, is a figure of a technical system. It is the time value in which the machines and technical measuring devices can be in use without downtime or maintenance. Generally, the intention is to en- sure high availability values of a system. For calculation of the availability, two factors are being consi- dered: Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). The first factor, Mean Time Between Failu- res (MTBF), describes the mean time in which a device can be in use without the need of a repair or downtime for mainten- ance. With the help of MTBF, the quality progress can be eva- luated and it can be monitored how long devices operate without failure. MTBF is calculated by using the information from SIKORA CRM (Customer Relationship Management): This is where all devices are registered and their events are recorded. CRM also serves as data source for the creation of event diagrams for the different types of devices. The event diagram is a graphical illustration for quick and clear visualization of events and their chronical order. Furthermore, the event dia- gram provides details concerning the type of individual events for a certain device type. An event diagram has a horizontal (x) and a vertical (y) time- line. The x-timeline shows the delivery date and the y-time- line shows the event date. The diagram indicates all known downtimes of one device type up until time of creation as shown in the example picture ‘Product A’. Events are being counted, which directly led to a downtime of a device. Deliveries of all devices are displayed as crosses (1) on the diagonal line of the diagram. On the vertical line above each delivered device its life span can be seen. In event of failure, Booth: A6-6110 a certain symbol is noted on the vertical above the device, which gives information about the reason of the failure. In order to display device downtimes, symbols are used for hardware events ( Δ ), software events ( ◊ ) and others (x) (e.g. production errors, faulty deliveries, etc.). The event diagram as shown in picture 1 primarily serves to find out, which event types had occurred. It also shows if events of one device occurred immediately after delivery or at a later date. When certain events accumulate to a cluster above a certain delivery date, meaning events, which had not occurred before to this extend, this can indicate that the production process was not controlled well at that time, or else, sourced materials had caused a higher failure rate. Furthermore, event diagrams for certain failure types are created and differentiated according to the different com- ponents to collect further details of the device events. This includes, for example, diagrams which are only referring to device events where hardware components contributed to a failure rate. All other failure types (mechanical failures, soft- ware failures, etc.) are shown in a separate diagram. In this way, detailed information is given about which component relates to the documented events. The second factor, which is incorporated into the calculation of the availability, is the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). This is calculated from the time that is needed to put the device and the system back into operation in the event of failure. Thanks to the quality management and the technical inno- vations, which render maintenance of SIKORA devices al- most unnecessary, very high availability values of up to 99.98 % are reached. For a continuous quality improvement, internal and external employee training is carried out at SIKORA. Furthermore, cooperations with machine manufacturers as well as custo- mers are established in order to respond to global bench- marks in the trade and to further optimize processes. “A sustainable quality management requires clear, transparent processes and a good communication”, explains Heel. “Feedback from employees and customers in particular are crucial for a successful quality management system”, the Quality Manager explains further. “With the improvement of our operation processes according to the requirements of our QMS, we do not only meet legal standards but also achieve a high process reliability and, simultaneously, the highest customer satisfaction”, says Heel.