Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2017

29 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2017 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany basf.com/interpack2017 性能树脂。Joncryl ® FLX 系列产品可以 被认为是水基薄膜印刷油墨的参考树 脂。由于其出色的抵抗能力及复合强 度,再加上高溶解性,非常适合于软包 装应用。Joncryl ® HSL 产品线可提供选 项,用于在各种不同应用的罐头涂料热 封口,提供安全的密封和平滑的剥离特 性。 PEF:Synvina 目标是世界领先地位 Synvina,是巴斯夫和Avantium的 合资企业,目标是成为具有世界领先地 位的呋喃二甲酸(FDCA)和聚乙烯( PEF)生产商。FDCA产品来自于可再 生资源,是一种生产PEF的基本的化工 建筑基础材料,PEF可用于食品包装, 薄 膜 和 塑 料 瓶 。 与 常 规 的 塑 料 相 比,PEF的特性是具有更好的气体阻隔 特性,例如二氧化碳和氧气。由于其机 械强度高,只需要采用较少的包装物 料,就可以生产出来较薄的PEF包装产 品。PEF还可以回收利用。 T he broad range of products offered by BASF is focusing on packaging products that reduce the environmental and ecological footprint while still being an economically viable option. Two new Copolyamides create new opportunities: Ultramid ® Flex F38L is an entirely new, partly bio-based Copolya- mide. The softness and extremely high transparency allows manufacturers to use a Polyamide for vacuum skin packag- ing. The product is immediately soft without conditioning and has 50% less water uptake than Polyamid 6. Further- more, the bubble stability and BUR (blow-up ratio) can be significantly in- creased because of the higher melt stabi- lity. The new grade has a different O 2 /CO 2 transmission ratio to all other Polyamides and can be used for cheese ripening bags or modified atmosphere packaging. Ultramid ® C37LC is a new Copolyamide allowing manufacturers of shrink film for food packaging to achieve higher hot water and hot air shrinkage. Films pro- duced with Ultramid ® C37LC have a lower crystallinity and are significantly softer and more transparent than films made of conventional Copolyamide. By reducing the crystallization temperature and melting point of the product, the curling of asymmetric films with Poly- ethylene (PE) or Polypropylene (PP) is significantly reduced. Bio mass balance – an exclusive op- portunity for BASF’s customers in the packaging industry: BASF presented the innovative biomass balance ap- proach applied for the packaging indus- try. Using this concept, renewable raw materials are used as feedstock in the beginning of BASF’s integrated Verbund production system and then allocated to specific sales products. As a consequen- ce, these products save fossil resources and help to reduce greenhouse gas emis- sions. An independent third party vali- dates the required amount of renewable raw materials and certifies the sales pro- duct. Barrier Coating for the protection of food: BASF offers three different Poly- mer solutions as a functional barrier coating for paper and cardboard. These solutions are Ultramid ® (PA), Polybutylen- terephthalat (PBT), as well as ecovio ® as a biodegradable solution for barrier coa- tings. Each coating solution offers unique valuable properties in the field of paper and cardboard coating. ecoflex ® and ecovio ® – biodegrada- ble polymers: Compared to conventio- nal plastics, ecoflex ® offers certified com- postability on a fossil basis. As an innova- tive pioneer in the field of biodegradable polymers it is an important raw material for many compostable and biobased plastics. ecovio ® is a high-quality and versatile bioplastic with the advantage of being certified compostable and containing bio based content. The main areas of use for ecovio ® are plastic films such as organic waste bags, dual-use bags or agricultural films. But also compostable packaging solutions such as migration barrier coating on paper, foam packaging and injection molding products can be pro- duced with ecovio ® . Water-based solutions for the flex- ible packaging industry : BASF’s water- based brands Epotal ® and Joncryl ® are a sustainable alternative to solvent-based products and achieve in most cases a comparable performance as solvent- based inks or adhesives. With Epotal ® lamination adhesives, BASF offers new options to the flexible pack- aging industry: The high initial bonding strength of water-based adhesives allows for direct slitting of the laminates. Curing times are almost not required since wa- ter-based adhesives are already fully-re- acted adhesive systems. They bring in- creased flexibility to the customer by significantly shortening lead times and making printing and lamination in-line possible. Additionally, water-based adhe- sives – due to their chemical composi- tion – are inherently safe systems and well suited for food packaging applica- tions. They do not contain any organic solvents nor aromatic isocyanates. The migration potential is virtually elimina- ted. With its Joncryl range, BASF offers high- performance resins that enable flexible packaging printers and converters to switch from solvent-based to water- based technologies. The Joncryl ® FLX portfolio can be considered as the refe- rence in resins for water-based film print- ing inks. With their excellent resistance and lamination bond strength in combi- nation with high resolubility, they are highly suitable for flexible packaging ap- plications. The Joncryl ® HSL product line offers options for heat seal lacquers in various applications, providing secure seal and smooth peeling behavior. PEF: Synvina aims world-leading posi- tion: Synvina, the joint venture of BASF and Avantium, aims to build-up world- leading positions in furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) and polyethylenefuranoate (PEF). FDCA is produced from renewable resources and an essential chemical building block for the production of PEF, which enables food packaging, films and plastic bottles. Compared to conventio- nal plastics, PEF is characterized by im- proved barrier properties for gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen. Due to its higher mechanical strength, thinner PEF packaging can be produced and a lower amount of packaging material is neces- sary. PEF can be recycled.