Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2017

07 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2017 ZUMBACH Electronics sales@zumbach.ch I www.zumbach.com Learn more about our unique solutions Get Your Extrusion Process Under Control Based on decades of experience in on- line measuring solutions, developing key technologies and optimizing processes, ZUMBACH is YOUR partner! • Best price-performance ratio in the market • Faster start-ups / Scrap optimization • Measure and adjust concentricity/eccentricity from the very first second regardless of the materials’ temperature • Investment recovered within a few months 09:27 ➠ Extricom Extrusion www.extricom.de ➠ CPM Holdings corporate.cpm.net and applications group, we will deliver highly innovative solutions to a wide ar- ray of end users. This merger of twin screw and RingExtru- der technologies offers customers with the widest portfolio of equipment and parts in the world, “ says Charlie Spearing, General Manager, Global Twin Screw Operations. „We are committed to delivering process solutions for all sectors working with high-viscosity material, from plastics to powder coating and rubber to food pro- ducts,“ says Markus Blach of Extricom. „With our expanded portfolio of com- pounding equipment and a world class process and applications group, we will deliver highly innovative solutions to a wide array of applications.“ The acquisition will significantly expand CPM’s portfolio of compounding equip- ment, replacement parts and services. The CPM Extrusion Group offers sales, service, manufacturing and process tech- nology centers in the Americas, Europe and Asia. 三家新的分支机构 n Moretto,意大利公司,塑料加工 工业自动化技术的领先企业,通过在中 国、印度和俄罗斯开设三家分支机构来 扩展其在全球的业务。多年来, Moret- to的技术在这三个市场上已经是主角, 完成了大量的工厂交货,成为了这一领 域主要公司的供应商。 无论是从技术还是从自动化的角度 来看,中国都是国际塑料工业的核心, 对产品的需求在增长中。印度被认为是 在中国之后的第二个新兴国家,代表了 当今全世界对经济活动有重要吸引