Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2018

REPI Inc. 在泰国成立新的子 公司 REPI Inc. new subsidiary in Thailand 新公司将向这一地区的 所有顾客提供商务支持和技 术服务,以及不褪色颜料的 开发能力,目的是及时为客 户提供服务,这一点至关重 要。 REPI集团是一家家族拥 有的多种企业集团,成立于 1973年。总部位于意大利北 部,几十年来不断成长,现 在在美国、俄罗斯、英国、 泰国都拥有设施,并在全世界都建立了 商业联系。集团的活动集中于两个主要 的业务单元:聚氨酯和热塑性塑料,向 这两个行业提供产品和服务,满足客户 不同的需求和指标。 New Subsidiary in Thailand n REPI, a world leader in manufacturing of liquid colours and additives for plas- tics, is continuing its global expansion adding a new company in Thailand. This represents a natural step forward of the 20-year partnership with one of REPI’s historical distributors in the region. Now 13 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2018 ➠ UTH GmbH www.UTH-gmbh.com GmbH exhibited its latest range of pro- ducts. This included both roll-ex ® fine- mesh straining systems and roll-ex ® gear pump technology. With a focus on its unique gear pump technology for rubber cable extrusion and fine mesh straining technology, UTH presented its solutions for applications requiring a high level of availability, cost- efficiency and material-reduction. The processing of rubber cable compounds continously presents the rubber industry with new challenges and tasks. The mar- ket demands highly cost-effective pro- ducts of the highest quality. Accordingly, UTH has focussed on perfecting the ma- nufacturing of rubber and silicone pro- ducts. With throughputs up to 10.000 kg/h UTH’s roll-ex ® gear extruder systems have set the benchmark worldwide for fine mesh straining of rubber com- pounds. Using either the compact two- roll feeder (TRF) or a conical twin screw feeder (DSE), the modular design of the roll-ex ® system enables the integration of the strainer in each specific line design. Because of the flexible and compact de- sign a seemless integration into existing lines is also possible. Precise and gentle extrusion is another main feature of roll-ex ® gear extruders and gear pumps which have high work- ing pressures of up to 800 bar. UTH can supply complete lines as a system solu- tion for the manufacture of rubber- coated cables. Further information on the particular benefits and possible ap- plications of roll-ex ® technology is avail- able on the internet. n REPI是世界领先的塑料用液体色 料和添加剂的制造商,正在继续其全球 发展步伐,在泰国开设了新的公司。这 表示着该地区的一家过去的分销商,与 REPI有着20年的合作关系,现在向前 迈出了自然的一步。现在,集团乐意开 展直接的业务以强化其在亚洲的地位。 REPI 泰国有限公司将接管现有在 亚洲地区的聚氨酯及热塑性塑料两方面 的业务事业部,并对未来几年的增长目 标充满信心。 这次行动对于REPI开拓亚洲市场 来说是另一个重要步骤,曼谷对于服务 于周边国家来说具有战略地位由于直接 开展业务,将能够提供更好的服务,并 进一步使客户受益。 REPI在泰国成立新的子公司 the Group is ready to start a direct busi- ness to strengthen its potential in Asia. REPI THAI CO. LTD will take over the existing business in the ASEAN region both in the Polyurethanes and in the Thermoplastics business units with ambi- tious targets of growth in the coming years. This operation is another promis- ing step for REPI to expand market pre- sence in Asia and Bangkok is a strategic location to serve the surrounding coun- tries. Thanks to the direct presence, it will be possible to offer better service and further benefits to customers. The new unit will provide commercial sup- port and technical service to all clients in the region as well as fast colour-develop- ment capabilities, which are crucial in or- der to serve customers just-in-time. REPI Group is a family-owned concern, founded in 1973. From the headquarters in North Italy is being growing over the decades opening facilities in the US, Rus- sia, UK, Thailand and establishing com- mercial relationships worldwide. The Group’s activity focuses on two main Business Units, Polyurethanes and Ther- moplastics, which offer products and ser- vices to industries with different require- ments and metrics. ➠ Repi S.p.A. www.repi.com, repi.thailand@repi.com