Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2018

25 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2018 ➠ Clariant www.clariant.com 可以方便地获得必要的原料和其他支 持。” 就在此次奠基仪式的前一天,在距 沧州以南1250公里的镇江,科莱恩独资 的工厂开启,主要提供Ceridust® 微粉 蜡和AddWorks® 增效添加剂解决方 案。 Joint Venture n Clariant and Beijing Tiangang Auxiliary Co., Ltd. (Tiangang), conducted a groundbreaking ceremony in Cangzhou (China), just over 200 km south of Bei- jing. The ceremony marked the start of the construction of a world-class produc- tion facility for stabilizers for plastics and textiles that will form the heart of the joint venture between both parties. The joint venture between Clariant and Tiangang was established in September 2017, and combines the technology and production knowledge of both compa- nies to provide even better process and light stabilizers for various growing in- dustries in China, including automotive and textiles. China is a key market for Clariant high-end process and light stabi- lizers, which include the state-of-the-art Nylostab ® S-EED ® chemistry – invented by the company – a unique multifunctio- nal hindered amine light stabilizer, or n 科莱恩和北京天安助剂有限公司( 天岗)在北京以南200多公里的沧州( 中国)举行了奠基仪式。这一仪式标志 着一个世界级塑料和纺织品稳定剂生产 设施的开工建设,这也是双方建立的合 资企业的核心设施。 科莱恩与天罡的合资企业成立于 2017年9月,该企业整合了两家公司的 技术和生产知识,为包括中国汽车和纺 织品等各类增长性行业提供优质的加工 和光稳定剂。中国是科莱恩高端工艺和 光稳定剂产品的关键市场,这些产品包 括 了 由 科 莱 恩 发 明 的 最 先 进 的 Nylostab® S-EED® 化学品,这是一种 独 特 的 多 功 能 受 阻 胺 光 稳 定 剂 (HALS)。成立于1991年的天罡是光 稳定剂和紫外线吸收剂的重要生产商, 其在中国的两家工厂已被后向整合,主 要生产关键中间体。 科莱恩添加剂业务单元全球总监吕 宁(Stephan Lynen)在奠基仪式上说 道:“这一全新设施标志着我们的合资 企业已成功付诸实施,我们很高兴能够 更加贴近客户和原材料供应商。”天罡 副总经理刘罡先生宣布:“我们期待该 设施能够在2019年上半年投产,更快地 响应亚洲地区对于高端添加剂解决方案 不断增长的需求。沧州临港国家级经济 技术开发区是理想的添加剂生产基地, 合资企业 HALS. Tiangang, which was founded in 1991, is already an important manufac- turer of light stabilizers and UV absor- bers, with two plants in China backward integrated with production of key inter- mediates. During the ceremony, Clariant Global Business Unit Head of Additives, Stephan Lynen, said: “This new facility enables the successful implementation of our joint venture, and we are excited about the improved proximity to customers and raw material suppliers.” Gang Liu, Depu- ty General Manager of Tiangang an- nounced: “We look forward to the facili- ty coming on-stream in the first half of 2019 and start serving the growing de- mand for high-end additives solutions in Asia even faster. The Cangzhou National Coastal-Port Economy & Technology De- velopment Zone is an ideal production base for additives, with very good access to necessary raw materials and other support.” The ground-breaking took place just one day after Clariant officially opened whol- ly-owned plants for Ceridust ® microni- zed waxes and AddWorks ® synergistic additive solutions in Zhenjiang, 1250 km further south. 这两款检漏仪都装备干式非接触前 级真空泵和强大的高真空涡轮分子泵, 从而使其成为清洁环境下各种组件泄漏 检测的理想工具。 ASM 392 装有一台额外的涡轮分 子泵,可以加速检漏流程,降低生产设 备的停机时间。ASM 390 和 ASM 392 的开发是为了让新手操作员在经验有限 的情况下都能对泄漏检测操作充满信 心。 它们可在最短时间内提供准确的结 果,在现场极为高效。 ASM 390 和 ASM 392 符合人机工 学设计独特,尺寸合适,前部有扶手, 显示器可自由旋转、可拆卸,前部入口 易于连接测试端口,其可操作性可用于 各种测试场地,即使狭小的空间也应对 自如。 通过色彩清晰的宽屏触摸屏、带模 块化的工具箱和真空波纹管存储箱,泄 漏检测分外轻松。 Mobile Leak Detectors n The ASM 390 and ASM 392 are leak detection solutions adapted to the semi- conductor and display industries as well as to other demanding applications where rapid pump down and high sensi- tivity is key. Both models are Semi S2 compliant. The leak detectors are fitted with a dry frictionless backing pump and a powerful high vacuum pump, making them the ideal tools for leak testing of various components in clean environments. Equipped with an additional turbopump, the ASM 392 will speed up the leak de- tection process to reduce the downtime of the production equipment. The ASM 390 and ASM 392 have been developed to provide full confidence in leak testing regardless of operator knowledge. They deliver accurate results in minimal time, making them highly ef- ficient in the field. ASM 390 and ASM 392 are uniquely er- gonomic with a convenient size and height, a secondary handle in the front, a fully rotatable, removable display, an inlet in the front for easy connection to test ports and maneuverability for access to all testing areas, even in tight spaces. Thanks to a wide, clear color touch panel display, an integrated toolbox with mo- dular compartments and storage space for vacuum bellows, leak detection can be very easy. ➠ Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com