Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

10 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019 duction costs and make products last longer, and thereby help to conserve pre- cious raw material.” The light stabilizer is based on BASF’s proprietary NOR-HALS (hindered amine light stabilizer) technology. Due to the in- herent advantages of NOR-HALS techno- logy, the stabilizers have a lower interac- tion with system components and acidic environmental contaminants than tradi- tional HALS products, thereby helping to retain the mechanical properties of TPO membranes to meet the demands of building owners. Heat and UV exposure are two of the ➠ BASF Plastic Additives 巴斯夫塑料添加剂 www.plasticadditives.basf.com K 2019: Hall 5, Booth C21 – D21 5号展厅,C21 – D21展位 most detrimental factors affecting the useful life of roofing membranes today. Manufacturers need to fulfill the new ASTM D6878 standard for TPO roofing formulations. These standards identify the minimum levels of exposure to heat and UV levels that a TPO membrane must be able to withstand. By using BASF’s plastic additives technology, Won- poong succeeded in winning the con- tract over other companies by receiving a better evaluation for weatherproofing. Energy issues are growing in importance in the selection of all building materials, and roofing is no exception. Factoring in overall energy performance as part of a system’s life-cycle cost, many customers and contractors are insisting on TPO roofing membranes as they are heat-re- flective. Energy efficient roofing systems can reduce a building’s internal cooling costs dramatically. Investment in Control System n Europoligrafico (Fibrapak) of Perugia, Italy, recently improved efficiencies and line performance with a new control sys- tem from ER-WE-PA™ GmbH, a subsi- n 位于意大利佩鲁贾的Europoligra- fico(Fibrapak)公司最近通过采用新 控制系统提高了效生产线的率和性能, 新控制系统来自于戴维斯标准有限责任 公司的子公司:ER-WE-PA™GmbH。 新系统安装在用于生产无菌液体包装材 料的现有ER-WE-PA™挤出涂布生产线 上。控制组件采用西门子驱动器和带有 WinCC®可视化屏幕的中央可编程控制 器S7 ,用于管理生产线控制的各个方 面,包括速度、挤出机温度、自动模头 断面厚度控制、以及控制放卷和收卷功 能。 “改造提升现有生产线运行性能的 最佳和最具成本效益的方法之一就是升 级控制系统,”ER-WE-PA™售后业务 开发负责人Paul Knorsch说。 “该系统 的监控和数据采集功能(SCADA)简 化了操作,同时能够更好地监控和调节 各种参数。 我们知道Europoligrafico( Fibrapak)已经看到了生产线功能有着 显著的差异。” Knorsch指出,Fibrapak是Europo- ligrafico与中国GS Pak共同建立的新合 资企业。 这使得Europoligrafico(Fi- brapak)成为一家全套系统供应商,除 了灌装机和产品后处理之外,还能够提 供印刷、涂覆和贴面板。 GS Pak的中 国工厂同样拥有ER-WE-PA™无菌涂覆 生产线。 投资于控制系统 diary of Davis-Standard, LLC. The new system was installed on an existing ER-WE-PA™ extrusion coating line used for aseptic liquid packaging applications. The control package features Siemens drives and a central S7 PLC with WinCC ® Europoligrafico的挤出涂覆生产线采用了升级的控制系统 Europoligrafico’s extrusion coating line with updated controls