Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

12 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2019 科莱恩色母料在泰国开设地区 包装中心 Clariant Masterbatches establishes Regional Packaging Center in Thailand (Photo: Clariant) ➠ Clariant www.clariant.com K 2019: Hall 8a, Booth J11 8a号展厅,J11展位 延薄膜和注射成型生产线。这些设备使 其能够生产终端应用的样品,客户能够 方便地评估科莱恩产品所制作的色彩和 增强的功能。 Regional Packaging Center in Thailand established n Clariant Masterbatches is ramping up its support for packaging industry cus- tomers in Asia Pacific by creating a Re- gional Packaging Center (RPC) in it’s Phanthong manufacturing facility in Thailand. The RPC was introduced dur- ing InterPlas Thailand 2019. The RPC is part of a Clariant program to provide a higher level of service to the packaging industry in the region. The Center is home to formulation, process and analytical experts who also have in- depth knowledge of market trends and customer needs. They have access to state-of-the-art analytical equipment, a wide array of processing machines, and Clariant’s regional network of applica- tion-development laboratories in Singa- pore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, In- dia, New Zealand & Australia. The Cen- ter is operational now, and upgrades and equipment additions will continue be added through Q1 of 2020. “With the RPC, we want to engage deeper with customers in a co-creation process to develop breakthrough con- cepts and solutions in masterbatch pro- ducts and processes tailored to their aes- thetic and functional needs,” explains Chris Hansen, Head of Clariant Master- batches Asia Pacific. “We are doing this in partnership with other suppliers, lead- ing institutes and universities so that Clariant can provide comprehensive so- lutions to packaging convertors and brand owners.” Clariant has a broad range of color and additive masterbatches, and it’s expertise extends across the dozens of polymers used in today’s – and tomorrow’s – pa- ckaging. Clariant masterbatches are al- ready used in bottles, microwaveable trays, biodegradable food containers, multi-layer laminate, active packaging, durable industrial drums, tear-resistant shrink wrap and many other and innova- tive plastic packagings in or on the way to the market. The RPC also houses a wide array of state-of-the-art analytical equipment used for determining the chemical, me- chanical, environmental stress cracking, anti-static and coefficient of friction pro- perties of packaging materials. Produc- tion-scale processing machines include mono- and multilayer blown film, blow molding, cast film and injection-molding lines. This equipment makes it possible to produce end-use application samples that allow customers to easily evaluate color and functionality enhancements delivered by Clariant products. AD*STAR 方底阀口袋,它结合了纸袋 和编织塑料基布的优点。 凭 借 其 具 有 专 利 的 易 开 特 性,AD*STAR *易开型开启了编织塑料 袋领域的革命。这一新功能使得无需使 用机械工具即可快速轻松地清空袋子: 要打开袋子,只需将焊接在底贴上的贴 条简单地拉下即可。这意味着编织塑料 袋在这方面正赶上纸袋,大大方便了终 端消费者的日常工作。 焊接而不是缝纫:这是 IC*STAR 背后的理念,它于 2016 年由史太林格 n 作为世界塑料编织布机械市场的领 导者,史太林格几十年来一直致力于为 干散货提供创新的包装解决方案。现 在,客户可以从史太林格机械上生产的 更广泛、更个性化的产品系列中进行选 择:从自动插 PE内膜和易开口的特性 到超轻包装袋。 多年来,史太林格一直在与客户密 切合作,开发基于编织塑料基布的包装 解决方案;这些解决方案专为奥地利机 械制造商生产线的全自动生产而设计。 史太林格最流行的解决方案之一是 新型系列塑编袋 和 STATEC BINDER 公 司 合 作 产 生。IC 代表“创新闭合”,它强调编织袋 是通过焊接而不是缝纫来闭合的,从而 完全密封。这一概念使得生产中节省了 大量的材料,并将袋子基布上的破针、 针孔和油迹变成了过去。 有了 IC*STAR 内衬,客户现在可 以从一项额外的创新中获益:在生产过 程中,这种新型袋内衬 PE 薄膜为敏感 应用提供最大的产品保护,如食品包装 和吸湿产品。 早在推出这些新的袋子类型之前,