Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

25 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019 Gamma Meccanica S.p.A. Via Sacco e Vanzetti, 13, 42021 Bibbiano (RE), Italy www.gamma-meccanica.it 择新一代生产线,如Gamma Meccanica公司生产的的GM 串 联设备系列。这些系统用途更加广泛,可以优化生产过程, 并提供最高的能源效率。Agricola Imballaggi公司的行政官 John Ferrara说:“我们继续研究并将其付诸实践,实现可控 地生产出可模塑成型的材料。”有许多塑料材料无法用传统生 产线加工。这就是为什么我们决定投资于Gamma Meccanica 公司的串联系列再生技术,这使我们能够扩大我们的产品范 围,并从事那些不易回收的材料的研究。”购买第一台GM 串 联式回收再生设备后,已经投产了几个月,接着公司购买了 第二条的GM160 串联系列设备,产品即将交付使用。 Agricola Imballaggi公司在Gamma Meccanica公司找到 了一个细心的合作伙伴,能够根据自己的需求作出具体回 应。通过双方的共同努力,开发新款串联回收再生设备的项 目已经诞生,与迄今为止所实施的那些设备不同,新款设备 专门针对特殊的应用而设计。预计将在一年内建成投产。 L eaf polypropylene (or ground film) from industrial waste is one of these materials: it is difficult to recycle because of print coverage greater than 100% on one side and aluminum on the other. An example of this material is the chocolate and hazelnut cream snack packaging of a well-known multinational food company. The thickness (or gauge) of this film is very thin: 15 to 20 µm where the external part is printed with several lay- ers of superimposed ink that makes recycling very difficult. Thanks to Gamma Meccanica's Tandem lines recyclers or pro- cessors can recover this material with a 100% yield, without the additional drying and antioxidant process. The functioning of two extruders arranged in succession ensures a uniform gra- nule composition. With an innovative degassing system instal- led on the Tandem lines, the surface of material exposed to the action of vacuum is 10 times greater than in a normal extruder. This guarantees the extraction of large quantities of gas pro- duced during the process avoiding the inclusion of gas in the granules. The process does not stress the material which, as confirmed by laboratory tests, does not degrade, nor requires the use of additives. The final result is a granule of excellent quality at low production costs. Gamma Meccanica offers different models of Tandem line ac- cording to the production needs. The production capacity of a GM 160 Tandem with this type of material is 1200 to 1300 kg / h of recycled PP granules. AI Compound, the polymer division of Agricola Imballaggi: over twenty years in the regeneration of plastic materials A GM160 Tandem line was purchased by the Italian company Agricola Imballaggi for its AI Compound division that for over twenty years has been dedicated to the regeneration and gra- nulation of industrial plastic waste. Agricola Imballaggi specia- lizes in the production of sturdy and recyclable disposable plas- tic boxes for fruit and vegetables. In 1996 the company creat- ed the AI Compound polymer division with the task of polypro- pylene scraps recycling and use of recycled granules to produce the boxes. To optimize the investments, the company immedia- tely began to address other customers as well. By purchasing industrial waste both in Italy and abroad, AI Compound pro- duces high quality recycled granules that are sold to manufac- turers of plastic items in various areas: from the production of outdoor furniture, automotive sector, household goods and packaging. Among the recyclable materials are PP waste in neutral or printed films, doubled PP waste as PP + PP, PP + PE, PP metallized film waste, non-woven fabric waste and many others. The main consumer of AI Compound granules remains the "boxes sector" of the company, for which it produces 180 tons / month of recycled granules. Both activities are growing thanks to the regulations that encourage the use of recycled plastics. Initially the regeneration was performed with standard single- screw extruders. The desire to expand the range of recycled products and to recover the most difficult materials has prompted AI Compound to choose new generation lines such as the GM Tandem line from Gamma Meccanica. These systems are more versatileand give the possibility to optimize produc- tion processes offering maximum energy efficiency. "We con- tinue to research and to put it into practice to propose mana- geable materials for molding - says John Ferrara, administrator of Agricola Imballaggi. There are many plastic materials that cannot be processed with conventional lines. This is why we have decided to invest in technologies for regeneration such as Gamma Meccanica lines, which allow us to expand our product range and to be engaged in research on those materials that are not easily recoverable.” After the purchase of the first GM Tandem, already in production for several months, the compa- ny purchased a second GM160 Tandem line that will be deliver- ed shortly. Agricola Imballaggi has found an attentive partner in Gamma Meccanica that is able to respond concretely to its needs. From this synergy was born a project to develop a new model of Tandem, different from those up to now realized, designed for special applications. Construction and production is expected within the year.