Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

列的Batchmix 50和Batchmix 350批次 计量装置。 还将进行SOMOS RDM-40 移动式树脂干燥机的现场演示,其主要 用途是作为加工设备的可变辅助单元。 灵活的Batchmix批次计量单元,最 多可包含12个组份: 多功能模块化SOMOS Batchmix系列称 重式批次计量单元有14种规格可供选 择,产量范围为5至3,000 kg / h。最小 的单元的产量高达50公斤/小时,可以 使用四种组份,而根据不同规格,其它 型号可以同时处理多达12种可流动原 料。专门开发的高精度计量装置意味着 这些型号的混料机能够快速、准确和可 重复地生产出各种不同的粒子和粉碎再 生混合料。 SOMOS Batchmix采用直观,高性 能的触摸屏控制器操作,由于其集成的 通信接口,可轻松集成到更高级别的控 制系统中。可升级的选项包进一步扩展 了功能。例如,挤出机和薄膜牵引控制 器可以集成到控制器中。 SOMOS RDM移动式干燥机: SOMOS RDM系列移动式干燥机能够可 靠而高效地干燥任何吸湿性原料,简化 了加工设备上频繁的原料变化。它们还 能够通过干燥空气输送器自动向机器供 应粒子,从而能够方便地实现远程过程 监控。SOMOS RDM系列由五个型号组 成,料仓容量在50到400升之间。 Two Premieres at K 2019 n K 2019 is where ProTec Polymer Pro- cessing will be presenting the SOMOS RDF modular resin drying system for flex- ible stationary use without a central dry air generator. The system consists of au- tonomously operating units with their own Industry 4.0-capable controllers. Depending on requirements and desired throughput, the individual modules can be combined into a variable overall sys- tem with central visualization and con- trol. Another premiere at K 2019 is a high- speed retrofit for ProTec's LFT pultrusion lines. This retrofit can straightforwardly boost the production speed of existing manufacturing lines for high quality long fiber reinforced thermoplastic pellets from 30 m/min to 50 m/min, so conside- rably increasing output of high quality pellets and cutting production costs. To illustrate the many and varied possibi- lities offered by an LFT pultrusion line, ProTec will also be showing various pro- ducts produced on the line. ProTec will also be giving live demonstra- tions of physical foaming using the "SO- MOS Perfoamer" manufacturing solu- tion, which was presented in 2018, and offering an overview of its comprehen- sive range of components and solutions for efficient materials handling. Modules with their own dry air sup- ply can be combined to create a com- plete RDF system : Depending on the required throughput, the modular statio- nary RDF (Resin Dryer Flexible) drying sys- tem can be made up of a number of in- dependently operating drying modules. Components are available with capaci- ties of between 50 and 400 liters, each one being individually controllable by its own controller. Alternatively, when inter- connected, they can be controlled using a common operator control unit. As standard, they offer drying temperatures of 60°C to 140°C and high-temperature variants for up to 180°C are also avail- able. Each module has an integrated air generator, so ruling out complete failure, as may occur with a centrally supplied drying system. Installation requires little space and ef- fort as the modules are compact and, in comparison with a central drying system, do not require extensive supply and re- turn air piping. The RDF modular drying system also saves energy because only the components which are actually re- quired are operated. If requirements change, modules can be simply added or removed. 生产高质量的长纤维增强热塑性塑料粒子,快速化改造是对现有ProTec LFT拉条造粒生 产线提升生产速度的直截了当的方式,能够显著得增加粒子的产量 A high-speed retrofit is the straightforward way to boost production speed on existing ProTec LFT pultrusion lines for manufacturing high quality long fiber reinforced thermoplastic pellets and to distinctly increase pellet production volumes SOMOS RDM 系列移动式树脂干燥机, 图片显示的型号为SOMOS RDM- 70/200,可用作加工设备的可变辅助单元 The SOMOS RDM series mobile resin dryers, the photo showing the SOMOS RDM-70/200, can be used as a variable auxiliary unit for processing machinery 42 预习 / Preview Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019