Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

➠ ProTec Polymer Processing GmbH www.sp-protec.com K 2019: Halle 9, Stand D60 9号馆, 展台号 D60 Like the tried and trusted mobile SOMOS RDM series resin dryers, the RDF modul- es also have an Industry 4.0-capable PLC controller capable of storing up to 200 formulations. They have their own dry air generators and also provide various smart energy-saving systems: drying air volume is automatically adapted to actu- al throughput while regeneration cycles are controlled on the basis of the actual water content of the pellets. Boosting throughput with high- speed retrofit for LFT pultrusion lines : A simple high-speed retrofit can notice- ably boost output volumes on an LFT pultrusion line for high quality long fiber reinforced thermoplastic pellets. The pro- duction speed of existing systems can be distinctly boosted from 30 to 50 m/min by various modifications and additions. For instance, ProTec has incorporated an additional preheater and optimized die geometry, so accelerating fiber tempera- ture adjustment and ensuring high quali- ty fiber impregnation even at high pro- duction rates. Cooling capacity was also increased with an additional water bath. ProTec has also made adaptations to the pelletizer. Carefully arranged rotary knives cut the pellets at high speed to the ideal processing length of 6 to 12 mm. Handling materials efficiently with Batchmix batch dosing units and RDM resin dryers : As a one-stop shop materials handling supplier, ProTec will be showing the Batchmix 50 and Batch- mix 350 batch dosing units from its SO- MOS series of the same name. There will also be live demonstrations of the SO- MOS RDM-40 mobile resin dryer, whose primary application is as a variable auxi- liary unit for processing machines. Flexible Batchmix batch dosing units for as many as twelve components : The versatile modular SOMOS Batchmix series of gravimetric batch dosing units is available in fourteen sizes for throughputs ranging from 5 to 3,000 kg/h. The smal- lest unit with its throughput of up to 50 kg/h can dose four components while, depending on size, further models can process up to twelve flowable materials at once. Specially developed high preci- sion dosing devices mean these models are capable of quickly, accurately and re- producibly manufacturing a variety of changing pellet and regrind blends. The SOMOS Batchmix is operated using an intuitive, high performance touch- screen controller which, thanks to its in- tegrated communication interfaces, is simple to integrate into higher-level con- trol systems. Retrofittable option pack- ages further extend functionality. For ex- ample, extruders and film haul-off con- trols can be integrated into the control- ler. SOMOS RDM mobile dryers : SOMOS RDM series mobile dryers, capable of re- liably and energy-efficiently drying any hygroscopic materials, simplify frequent material changes on processing machi- nery. They are also capable of automati- cally supplying pellets to machines by dry air conveying, so enabling convenient re- mote process monitoring. The SOMOS RDM series consists of five models with bin volumes of between 50 and 400 lit- ers. 众多产品集体首发 The CENTERWAVE 6000 measures big pipes by millimeter wave technology CENTERWAVE 6000采用毫米波技 术测量大型管材 n 在2019 K展上,SIKORA将展出众 多创新型的检测系统,这些产品可应用 于管材、板材以及塑料工业领域,进行 质量控制和工艺优化。来宾可以携带塑 料颗粒样品,使用实验室测试系统 PURITY CONCEPT V进行现场的检测 和分析。在展台现场设立的“Innovation Corner”,SIKORA公司诚邀参观者就有 关管材和塑料检测方面的应用问题提出 他们的想法。这家来自德国不莱梅的公 司历年来总是以锐意创新的面貌在K展 上出现。 用于测量直径达1600毫米管材的 CENTERWAVE 6000全球首发 :在本 次 K 展 上 进 行 全 球 首 发 的 CENTERWAVE 6000/1600,是SIKORA 推出的一个新规格的测量系统。该系统 专门用于管材挤出生产过程中的品质控 制。依据其设计,该系统可对直径为630 至 1,600 mm的管材进行精确测量。 CENTERWAVE 6000采用的是创新型的 毫米波检测技术,可以连续、完整地在 43 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019