Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

量。 Twin Pack解决方案的建储量可达 到每小时2吨。 “Innovation Corner”中的互动交流 – 用户所需是测量技术的未来 :将创意 转化为创新和产品开发,为管材、片材 以及其它塑料行业提供技术保障,以实 现最佳的产品品质、达到最佳的工艺流 程以及最佳的成本效益,这是SIKORA 公 司 的 使 命 。 通 过 在 K展 推 出 “Innovation Corner”,SIKORA公司向 大家展示了这一观念。 SIKORA公司诚 邀客户与SIKORA的研发部门专家进行 单独的会谈,就有关未来用于产品品质 控制的测量技术方面提出自己的观点、 需求及技术要求。 Numerous Premieres at the Booth n At K 2019, SIKORA presents a broad portfolio of innovative systems for quali- ty control and process optimization for hose and tube, sheets as well as plastics industries. Visitors have the possibility to bring along plastic pellets for a live and on the spot inspection and analysis with the laboratory testing system PURITY CONCEPT V. In the “Innovation Corner”, visitors are cordially invited to contribute their ideas regarding measuring techno- logy for hose and tube as well as plastics applications. The appearance of the company from Bremen at K promises pure innovation. World premiere of the CENTERWAVE 6000 for dimension measurement of hose and tubes of up to 1,600 mm diameter : With the world premiere of the CENTERWAVE 6000/1600, SIKORA presents a measuring system of a new dimension. The system was developed especially for quality control of plastic tubes and pipes during extrusion. Due to its design, the system offers a precise measurement of tubes with a diameter from 630 to 1,600 mm. The CENTER- WAVE 6000 is based on innovative milli- meter wave technology and measures continuously and completely over 360 degrees of the circumference of the pipe the wall thickness, the diameter, the ova- lity, the inner profile and the sagging. “The CENTERWAVE 6000 does not only impress because of its dimensions,” says Christian Schalich, Head of Sales Busi- ness Unit Hose & Tube at SIKORA, “but foremost due to its benefits resulting from the technology for the extrusion process.” Nominal dimensions are quick- ly reached, start-up scrap is avoided, the highest quality guaranteed and proces- ses are optimally controlled. Further- more, the system does not require any coupling media, it measures precisely and independently to external influenc- es, such as temperature or plastics mate- rial, and does not require calibration. “Furthermore, the device determines au- tomatically the exact refractive index”, says Schalich. It defines the intensity and how fast radiation travels through the material and is therefore decisive for the measuring accuracy. Manual input of modifications of the production condi- tions is not required. “The operator be- nefits from a system that, integrated in the line, delivers reliable and reprodu- cible measurement values directly after start-up”, adds Schalich. Thickness measurement in the sheet extrusion with the PLANOWAVE 6000 : SIKORA’s PLANOWAVE 6000 is a non-contact measuring system that is used for non-destructive thickness mea- surement during the extrusion of plastic sheets. The system measures sheets made from engineering plastics like POM and high-performance plastics like PEEK. The PLANOWAVE 6000 is also suitable for the measurement of transparent and synthetic plastics like PMMA and PVC- FOAM as well as for glass. The measur- ing method is based on millimeter wave technology for the highest measuring accuracy independent of material and temperature of the sheets. A calibration on the material is also not needed. The PLANOWAVE 6000 can be integrated di- rectly into the production line at the hot or cold position. The visualization of the measuring values is done in real time at the monitor of the processor system ECOCONTROL 6000. Besides a numeri- cal display of the measuring values at any number of measuring points over the width of the sheet, the operator also receives a graphical display with exten- sive trend and statistical functions. Premiere : Optical laboratory testing sys- tem PURITY CONCEPT V with color de- tection: With the K premiere of the PURI- TY CONCEPT V, SIKORA presents an op- tical laboratory testing system for plastic material. The system is an automated light table where plastic pellets, placed onto a sample tray, are being moved through the inspection area. Within se- conds, the material is inspected by a co- lor camera. A projector optically marks all contaminated pellets directly on the sample tray. By evaluating the images, contamination, like black specks, from a size of 50 µm on the surface of transpa- rent, diffuse and colored material are au- tomatically detected, visualized and stati- stically evaluated. A clear allocation of the contamination and follow-up inspec- tion are possible at any time. Another feature of the optical laboratory testing system is the automatic detection of co- lor deviations of the pellets. Live material tests with the PURITY 采用X射线检测技术的PURITY CONCEPT X用于离线检测颗粒内部的金属杂质 The X-ray based PURITY CONCEPT X detects offline among others metallic contamination inside of the granulate 45 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019