Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

CONCEPT V : “Making technology co- me alive” is the central subject of the SI- KORA booth at K. Within a laboratory environment, live material tests are being offered with the PURITY CONCEPT V. Customers have already been invited be- fore the start of the exhibition to send in pellet samples free of charge, which will be inspected and analysed with the PU- RITY CONCEPT V directly at the booth. Alternatively, visitors can bring a small number of pellets directly to the booth for inspection and evaluation. “Real pel- let tests are the best way to proof that a system works and give information on the advantages that one can achieve”, says Hilger Groß, Business Development und Area Sales Manager for the area plastics at SIKORA. “Our customers can personally convince themselves of the precision, speed and easy handling of the system,” explains Groß. Laboratory testing system PURITY CONCEPT X with X-ray technology for detection of metallic contamina- tion : Furthermore, SIKORA presents the X-ray based laboratory device PURITY CONCEPT X for the inspection of metal inclusions in colored pellets that would be invisible with optical systems. The au- tomated operating principal of the SIKO- RA PURITY CONCEPT X, that had already been presented in 2016, is nowadays the basis of the SIKORA laboratory testing systems. Due to the applied X-ray tech- nology, it also provides the possibility to detect contamination on the surface as well as inside pellets. “The PURITY CON- CEPT X is especially predestined for sample inspection of black and colored material. Amongst others, we can see application possibilities for semiconduc- tor material which is used for the insula- tion of HV cables. Metallic contamina- tion in pellets, for example, resulting from metal abrasion in the extruder, are reliably detected and comprehensively analysed”, explains Hilger Groß. Optical online inspection and sorting with the PURITY SCANNER ADVAN- CED – also as “Twin Pack” for a greater material throughput : A fur- ther highlight at the SIKORA booth is the PURITY SCANNER ADVANCED for opti- cal online inspection and sorting of plas- tic material. The system combines X-ray technology with up to four black and white and/or color cameras. This combi- nation ensures the detection of metallic contamination inside the pellet, color de- viations as well as black specks on its sur- face. Contaminated pellets are detected and automatically sorted out. Thanks to powerful processor systems and an intel- ligent software, the PURITY SCANNER ADVANCED is a reliable device for quali- ty assurance. The Professional Data Ana- lysis Management (PDAM) provides a statistical evaluation of detected conta- mination, sorted by size and frequency, during production as well as an image gallery of the pellets that have been de- tected by the optical camera as well as the X-ray camera. “Quality requirements with regard to material purity are in- creasing. Online inspection and sorting is therefore gaining further significance. The PURITY SCANNER ADVANCED is in his class the most efficient sorting system available on the market”, says Hilger Groß. For a high material throughput, the sorting system is available as a “Twin Pack” solution, which will be presented for the first time at K. The system is espe- cially predestined for the optical sorting PURITY CONCEPT V用于塑料颗粒的光 学样品测试,它可对 黑点杂质进行检测 The PURITY CONCEPT V is used for optical sample testing of plastic granulate. It detects among others black specks ➠ SIKORA AG www.sikora.net K 2019: Hall 10, Booth H21 10号馆, 展台号 H21 and applications, where the focus is on higher throughputs. The Twin Pack reaches throughputs of up to two tons per hour. Interactive exchange in the “Innova- tion Corner” – customer ideas for a measurement technology of the fu- ture : Turning ideas into innovations and product developments that achieve the highest quality, process optimization and cost effectiveness in the hose and tube, sheets as well as plastics industries is SIKORA’s claim. The company emphasis- es this at K with the “Innovation Cor- ner”. Customers are invited to personally discuss with SIKORA experts from Re- search and Development in a creative at- mosphere their ideas, requests and tech- nical requirements on the systems for quality control for the future of measur- ing technology. 服务产品提升到了一个新的数字化水 平,并且通过附加功能来强化这种服 务。这是一个完美的基础,在将来可提 供透明、快捷、高效的服务。它有助于 最大限度地发挥拉伸生产线的效率,并 将维修和停机的成本降到最低。布鲁克 n 布鲁克纳的Servtec 引入了新的“布 鲁克纳1”薄膜生产数字化解决方案。整 个布鲁克纳1系统在双向拉伸行业是 独一无二的。: 这是一种一站式解决方 案,提供数字化平台,支持所有生产线 及其操作的事宜。它将经过实地验证的 “布鲁克纳 1”: 新颖独特的薄膜生产数字化服务 46 预习 / Preview Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019