Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

Josef Dobrowsky在他第一次创办自己的工程事务 所时,并不知道他的旅程会将他带到哪里。 如今 ,除此之外的任何事情对他来说都是不可想象的 Josef Dobrowsky did not know where his journey would lead him when he first started his own engineering office. Nowa- days anything else is unimaginable for him 基于溶剂的工艺 - 回收中去污的关键: 弗劳恩霍夫加工 技术和包装研究所开发的溶剂型工艺CreaSolv ® 可以将 塑料复合材料和污染的生活垃圾有效分离 Solvent-based processes – the key for decontamination in the recycling: The solvent-based CreaSolv ® process already deve- loped by the Fraunhofer IVV enables effective separation of plastic composites and contaminated household waste 15 05 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019 I N THIS ISSUE 26 Gamma Meccanica SpA是已开发出串联技术,可满足塑料加 工商或塑料回收商的特定需求,这些厂家希望回收利用那些不 能盈利且难以回收的原材料,通常这些材料注定要进行垃圾填 埋处理 Gamma Meccanica SpA has developed Tandem technology to meet the specific needs of proces- sors or recyclers who want to recover materials that otherwise would be destined for landfill 24 iNOEX 股份有限公司 K 2019预览: 在今年的K展上,采用前沿技 术重新设计的久经考验的产品组合将与全新技术相结合,向贸易展 的来宾展示 iNOEX GmbH preview K 2019: On this year’s K Show, a proven product portfolio redesigned to be on the cutting edge of technology paired with completely new technology will be presented to the trade public 28 今年年初,STAR挤出机成为了公司新的实验生产线中的一个 关键单元。实验生产线面向巴登菲尔德-辛辛那提的客户,提 供超出常规的特殊服务 Since the beginning of the year, the STARextruder has formed one of the key components of our new lab line, which is enabling battenfeld-cincinnati to provide its customers with a particularly special service 51 生产高质量的长纤维增强热塑性塑料粒子,快速化改 造是对现有ProTec LFT拉条造粒生产线提升生产速度 的直截了当的方式,能够显著得增加粒子的产量 A high-speed retrofit is the straightforward way to boost produc- tion speed on existing ProTec LFT pultrusion lines for manufacturing high quality long fiber reinforced thermoplastic pellets and to di- stinctly increase pellet production volumes 42