Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

51 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019 ➠ BEKUM Maschinenfabriken GmbH www.bekum.com K 2019: Hall 14, Booth C03 14号馆, 展台号 C03 that indicate operating status and simpli- fy required maintenance. Only 15 Minutes for a Mould Change: One of the excellent features is the op- tional magnetic quick mould change sys- tem. With this, mould change-over is ac- complished in 15 minutes per clamping unit – without tools or a special mould cart. Particularly Noteworthy is the simple and easy to operate magnetic blow pin quick change system. Moulds and blow pins are always changed from the front side of the machine. High-output and Energy-efficient Ex- trusion Package: A well-tuned high- output extrusion system essentially en- sures product quality. The new genera- tion of high-output extruders of the fu- ture packaging machine line distinguish themselves through processability, high maximum throughput, and excellent melt homogeneity. Bekum places parti- cular importance on energy efficiency when developing extruders. Extruders are the main consumers of energy in any extrusion blow moulding machine. Be- kum extruders use energy efficient mo- tors and drives, which are important to achieve high energy efficiency. (Class 10 as called out in EUROMAP 46.1). Bekum extrusion heads in either mono- or multi-layer technology are designed to achieve precise flow guidance, short co- lor change times and uniform wall thick- ness throughout the article for all extru- sion blow moldable plastics. Bekum Control 8.0 – New Operator Panel with New Visualization: The modern machine design of the future machine series will be enhanced via a portrait-oriented, generously dimension- ed 24 inch operator panel and a new, in- tuitive touchscreen called Bekum Control 8.0. Visualization of throughput values and energy consumption on the multi- touch operation panel is provided as well as the display of power, water, air con- sumption, and the pressures of all sup- plies process utilities. Remote on-line service, as emphasized by Industry 4.0, has been available from Bekum for many years. With permission of the owner, Bekum service technicians can log in to machine controls and carry out function tests and perform software updates. Circular Economy – Regrind Proces- sing on the Show Machine: Bekum is engaged in the circular economy and, with its Bekum 3-layer heads, offers a so- lution for costs-effective recycling of sin- gle-origin PE of PP plastic scrap. Thanks to Bekum’s tri-extrusion technology, re- cycled material (PCR) can be embedded between layers of virgin plastic materials. The use of PCR in the middle layer can also permit a cost-reduction in the ma- nufacture of containers. Bekum is pre- senting the Concept 808 show machine with a multi-cavity three-layer applica- tion. 行星螺杆挤出机满足加工 PET 的多种要求 加工PET的STAR挤出机 STARextruder for processing PET n 理想的加工PET挤出机无需对材料 进行干燥,能够轻松、灵活地根据不同 的输入材料和最终产品进行调整,并且 几乎无需维护。此外,客户青睐操作和 控制方法简单的产品。正是为了满足这 些要求,巴顿菲尔辛辛那提现自行开发 出一套解决方案:行星螺杆挤出机 120。这是今年国际展 16 号展厅 B 19 展位上的亮点展品之一。不仅在加工新 料方面、而且在加工回收料方面,该产 品在效率、去污性能以及最终产品质量 方面赢得众人青睐。 巴顿菲尔辛辛那提产品范围非常广 泛,几乎没有任何机器制造商能够与之 并肩。作为挤出机专家,我们提供用于 生产管材、型材、造粒、片材以及板材 的单个组件以及互相完美匹配的完整设 备,其中,每一种解决方案都可以根据 客户的工艺要求进行个性化调整。凭借 研发出的这款加工 PET 材料的行星螺杆 挤出机,显著扩大了公司的产品范围。 在德国 K 展上首次推出的这款行星螺杆 挤出机的螺杆直径为 120 mm,适用于加 工 PET 材料,产量可达 1000 kg/h。整 个系列包括四种挤出机尺寸,挤出量为 600kg/h 到 1800kg/h。 该款行星螺杆挤出机的基础为单螺 杆挤出机,行星螺杆单元构成了其排气 区域。在该区域中将熔体碾压成表面积 非常大的极薄熔体层。这两者都是实现 高效排气和高效去污的完美前提条件, 而在加工 PET 材料时,这两项效果对 产品质量有着决定性意义。此外,设计 在侧面的大尺寸排气孔也是一项优点, 该排气孔触手可及而且易于清洁。该款 挤出机可以加工任何形状的新材料、尤 其是可以完美加工经过预处理的回收 料,并通过美国食品和药物管理局无异 议函 (FDA-Letter of Non-Objection) 的 确认。此外,也满足欧洲有效的欧洲食 品安全局 (EFSA) 标准。从大量的试用 结果来看,针对需要具备高排气性能的