Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2019

➠ KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH www.kraussmaffei.com K 2019: Hall 15, Booth C24 – C27 15号馆, 展台号 C24 – C27 “克劳斯玛菲”品牌下,克劳斯玛菲贝斯 多夫有限责任公司(德国汉诺威)现更 名为“克劳斯玛菲挤出有限责任公司”。 重组的所体现的结果可以通过整个 公司新的合作设计中看到,该公司将在 2019年K展期间向更广泛的受众宣示。 共同的企业形象支持进一步将注塑、挤 出和反应加工技术部门整合起来,在许 多应用中,各部门已经手拉手共同工 作。这意味着客户可以通过他们各自的 相关联系人从整个技术组合中选择最为 适合于他们的解决方案。自动化和数字 化部门最新的称呼是DSS部门,长期以 来一直在开发技术交叉型的创新的解决 方案。 新的座右铭“塑料先驱”代表了自 1838年成立以来奠定了该公司地位和品 牌的先驱精神。当前正值公众对塑料持 负面评价的时代,克劳斯玛菲慎重地将 这一要求作为关键的性能承诺。这也是 克劳斯玛菲致力于以新产品和新服务为 发展循环经济做出贡献的原因 。作为 塑料循环利用、升级利用和重新配混方 面的先锋,三十多年来克劳斯玛菲一直 投资于研究开发循环利用,其客户能够 进入塑料循环经济。 来宾可以在贸易展会K展上看到这 些活动,在展台上聚丙烯制成的桶将被 循环利用,加工成汽车的中立柱(B 柱)。可持续发展的另一个例子是 Polymore,这是新型B2B在线市场,用 于在欧洲购买和销售混合料、母料、回 收再生物料和工业产生的废料 。 Pioneering Plastics n Munich-based mechanical engineer- ing group KraussMaffei is reinventing it- Frank Stieler 博士(克劳斯玛菲CEO )通 过重新定位为进一步整合注塑机械、挤 出技术、反应加工机械和数字化服务解 决方案奠定了基础 Dr Frank Stieler (CEO of KraussMaf- fei) uses the new repositioning to set the course for the further integra- tion of Injection Molding Machinery, Extrusion Technology, Reaction Pro- cess Machinery and Digital Service Solutions self. KraussMaffei, the world’s only pro- vider of ready-to-use system solutions for injection molding, extrusion and reaction process technology (IMM, EXT, RPM), is now consolidating all business divisions and its previous brands KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff and Netstal with- in a single, unified brand: KraussMaffei. This repositioning is in line with the “Compass” corporate strategy, which has already brought about fundamental changes with the launch of the Digital & Service Solutions (DSS) business unit. For Frank Stieler, CEO of KraussMaffei, bringing the brands together is a reflec- tion of the company’s identity: “Krauss- Maffei is a technological pioneer in the plastics industry, which supplies its cus- tomers across all industries with innova- tive and customised solutions – in line with our new motto: Pioneering Plas- tics.” As part of the repositioning, all subsidi- aries and locations will operate under the name “KraussMaffei” from now on. Netstal-Maschinen AG (Näfels/Switzer- land) will be known as “KraussMaffei High Performance AG”. Its high-perfor- mance injection molding machinery will be integrated into the KraussMaffei port- folio under the established Netstal pro- duct brand, which means the Netstal name will still appear on the machinery itself. The KraussMaffei Berstorff brand which was used for Extrusion technology will be integrated in “KraussMaffei”. KraussMaffei Berstorff GmbH (Hano- ver/Germany) will now be known as “KraussMaffei Extrusion GmbH”. Visual evidence of the restructuring can be seen in a new corporate design throughout the company, which will be rolled out to a wider audience during K 2019. The common appearance supports the further integration of the Injection Mold- ing, Extrusion and Reaction Process Ma- chinery divisions, which already work hand in hand for many applications. This means that customers can select the so- lution that best suits them from the whole technology portfolio via their res- pective contact person. The areas of Au- tomation and Digitalisation, the latter now represented by the DSS division, have long been developing innovative solutions across technologies. The new “Pioneering Plastics” claim re- presents the pioneering spirit that has shaped the company and its locations and brands since it was founded in 1838. At a time when the public is com- menting negatively on plastics, Krauss- Maffei has deliberately formulated this claim as a key performance promise. This is also the reason why KraussMaffei is committed to making a contribution to the development of a circular economy with new products and services. As a pioneer in the recycling, upcycling and recompounding of plastics, KraussMaffei has invested over three decades in the research and development of recycling, enabling its customers to enter a circular plastics economy. Guests can see this in action at the K trade fair, where a polypropylene bucket will be recycled into a car’s B-pillar. The Extrusion Technology and Injection Molding Machinery divisions will also be working together here. Polymore, the new B2B online marketplace for the pur- chase and sale of compounds, master- batches, recycled material and post-in- dustrial waste in Europe, is another ex- ample of sustainability. www.smart-extrusion.com 54 预习 / Preview Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2019