Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2020

10 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2020 ➠ Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH www.lindner.com numerous projects in countries such as China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and also Australia. With the new service and sales hub in Singapore, we’ve created a point of con- tact for partners and clients to better respond to individual local needs and also react quickly across time zones,” ex- plains Gerhard Gamper, Sales Director at Lindner Asia-Pacific. Besides sales and logistics staff, and contacts to help with the supply of wear parts, the site will also be home to highly qualified service technicians trained di- rectly at Lindner’s head- quarters. These regional advantages, combined with the new hub, the subsidiary in the US and the Eu- ropean headquarters, mean our support team is now readily available to a much larger international customer base. “We set very high standards for our machines and in particular for our services world- wide. I am therefore delighted that we n Lindner在亚洲开展业务已有20多 年了。特别是近年来,在世界上人口最 稠密的地区,人们越来越意识到需要负 责任地管理资源,尤其是回收废料。亚 太地区已成为废料管理领域增长最强劲 的市场之一。 Lindner 回收技术有限公 司是全球领先的粉碎技术和系统解决方 案供应商之一,现在通过在新加坡新开 设的子公司来加强其在该地区的业务, 从而扩展了其国际服务和分销网络。 Lindner亚太区销售总监Gerhard Gamper作出了说明:“我们已经有非常 强大的合作伙伴,我们与他们在中国、 日本、韩国、泰国、马来西亚、菲律宾 以及澳大利亚等国家成功地实施了许多 项目。 借助位于新加坡新开设的服务和 销售中心,我们为合作伙伴和客户建立 了联系点, 以更好地满足当地的个性化 需求, 并实现跨时区快速响应。” 除了 销售和物流人员,以及有助于提供易损 件的联系人之外,该地点还将是直接在 Lindner总部接受过培训的高素质技术 服务人员的驻扎地。这些本地化优势, 再加上新的枢纽,在美国的子公司和欧 州总部,意味着我们的支持团队现在可 以向更大的国际客户群提供服务。 “我 们为我们的设备,特别是为我们的全球 服务设定了很高的标准。因此,令我感 到高兴的是,我们现在与Lindner 亚太 公司保持了联系,将来会更加接近我们 的客户。这正是我们的服务策略目标所 在。” Gamper总结道。 New Location in Singapore n Lindner has been doing business in Asia for over 20 years now. In recent years in particular, a greater awareness of the need to manage resources respon- sibly and, above all, to recover waste ma- terials, has grown in the world’s most densely populated region. The Asia-Paci- fic region has become one of the largest growth markets in the waste manage- ment sector. Lindner Recyclingtech, one of the world's leading suppliers of shred- ding technology and system solutions for recycling, is now strengthening its pre- sence in the region with its new subsidia- ry in Singapore, thereby expanding its in- ternational service and distribution net- work. “We already have very strong partners with whom we successfully implemented 在新加坡开设新的子公司 are now closing the loop with Lindner Asia-Pacific and will be even closer to our clients in future. That’s exactly what our service strategy is about,” summarises Gamper. n Chew Yew KWong 加入诺信公司 聚合物加工系统(PPS)业务,担任 Xaloy挤出和注塑组件的亚洲区销售总 经理。 Chew 将负责销售Xaloy螺杆、机 筒和前端部件。他将与诺信的其它团队 协调,为采购各种PPS产品的客户提供 服务。 PPS亚洲副总裁Teong HK说道: “Chew Yew KWong在国际销售和运营 诺信任命亚洲区销售总经理 Chew Yew Kwong