Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

10 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 ➠ Reifenhäuser Group www.reifenhauser.com made a special contribution to the suc- cess of the plastics industry worldwide through their activities. Nomination takes place every three years and the winners are usually announced at the NPE, America’s largest plastics show. “It is with great delight and pride that I accept the honor of becoming a member of the Plastics Hall of Fame,” says Ulrich Reifenhäuser. “It comes at a turning point in our industry that is undergoing possibly one of the most exciting phases since the invention of plastic. Whereas the focus in the past was on material performance and costs, the dominant to- pics now are on recyclability and a holis- tic circular economy. We will harness this change as an opportunity. With its low weight, high functionality and recyclabi- lity, plastic has all the characteristics to make a decisive contribution to climate neutrality.” Ulrich Reifenhäuser was predestined for a career in plastics. As the son of Hans n 国际塑料行业的十位领军人物最近 入选 “塑料名人堂 ”——其中之一是 Reifenhäuser 集团的 CSO ,“K”展参展 商顾问委员会主席和VDMA (德国机械 设备制造业联合会)塑料和橡胶机械协 会主席Ulrich Reifenhäuser。 塑料工业协会 (PLASTICS) 于 1972 年创立了名人堂,以表彰通过其 活动为全球塑料工业的成功做出特殊贡 献的行业领导者。提名每三年进行一 次,获奖者通常在美国最大的塑料展 NPE 上公布。 “我非常高兴和自豪地接受成为塑 料名人堂成员的荣誉,”Ulrich Reifen- häuser 说。 “目前我们塑料行业正处于 转折点,这可能是自塑料发明以来最激 动人心的阶段之一。过去,塑料行业的 重点是材料性能和成本,而现在的主要 主题是可回收性和整体循环经济。我们 将以这种变化为机会。塑料由于重量 轻、功能性强和可回收性,具备了对气 候中和做出决定性贡献的所有特性。” Hans Reifenhäuser 在 2014 年去 世后入选塑料名人堂,作为 Hans Rei- fenhäuser 的儿子,Ulrich Reifenhäu- ser 注定要从事塑料行业。现在他与兄 弟 Bernd Reifenhäuser(首席执行官) 一起,作为第三代经营这家家族企业。 他 16 岁开始在父亲公司的挤出机制造 部工作。在学习经济学并担任过各种职 位后,他于 1992 年加入 Reifenhäuser 集团的执行管理部门。从那时起,他一 直担任首席销售官(CSO),负责生产线 的国际销售,并建立了首屈一指的国际 客户和合作伙伴网络。 2022年,他将 连续第七次以“K展主席”的身份,共同 负责世界领先的杜塞尔多夫塑料展。 Inducted into the “Plastics Hall of Fame” n Ten leading personalities from the in- ternational plastics industry were recent- ly inducted into the "Plastics Hall of Fame" - one of them is Ulrich Reifenhäu- ser, CSO of the Reifenhäuser Group, Chairman of the Exhibitors' Advisory Board of the “K” plastics show and Chairman of the Plastics and Rubber Ma- chinery Association in the VDMA. The Plastics Industry Association (PLAS- TICS) founded the Hall of Fame 1972 to recognize the industry leaders who have 入选“塑料名人堂” Reifenhäuser, who was also post- humously inducted into the Plastics Hall of Fame in 2014, he now runs the family business in the third generation together with his brother Bernd Reifenhäuser (CEO). He first started working in the ex- truder construction department of his father's company at the age of 16. After studying economics and holding various positions, he joined the executive ma- nagement of the Reifenhäuser Group in 1992. Since that time, he has been res- ponsible as Chief Sales Officer (CSO) for international line sales and has built up an international network of customers and partners second to none. In 2022, he will be jointly responsible for the world's leading plastics show in Düssel- dorf as "Chairman of K show” for the seventh time in a row. Ulrich Reifenhäuser (莱芬豪舍集团首席销售官) 现在成为了“塑料名人堂”的成员 Ulrich Reifenhäuser (CSO, Reifenhäuser Group) is now a member of the “Plastics Hall of Fame” (Photo: Reifenhäuser) 考特斯战略新方向的一部分。 2019 年底,面对巨大变化的市场 环境,考特斯做出了一致反应。秉持着 对未来的新愿景、新使命和新理念,公 司引入了新的战略方向并取得了成功: 考特斯已经在公司的许多领域里迅速、 持续和成功地实现了变革。 n 考特斯机械制造有限公司始终如一 地继续践行新愿景、新使命和新理念: Christian Pum将于 2021 年 8 月 1 日接 替Andreas Lichtenauer出任考特斯的销 售总经理。未来,考特斯的CEO Tho- mas Hartkämper 将额外负责服务业 务。继任计划遵循长期的变革过程,是 斯机械制造有限公司管理团队继任计划